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dc.contributor.advisorRuiz Parrales, Yary Gilberto
dc.contributor.authorArana Bravo, Jhonny Joel
dc.descriptionThe cultivation of sugar cane is considered an ancient source of energy for humans. Today it is one of the crops with the highest value, importance and production in the agribusiness sector worldwide, being one of the most profitable and job-generating productions inside and outside the rural area. This project is based on the importance, efficiency and assiduity of fertilization management in the cultivation of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) in Ecuador. This in order to provide the essential and assimilable elements that will increase your profitability. Being one of the most notorious and productive crops in our country, it has immense consideration and interest on the part of agricultural producers for its remunerative rates, in turn, which are intensified by the large number of lucrative areas for different types of crops. . varieties of sugarcane, marking the enormous adaptability to agro climatic conditions that these plantations have had in the distinguished sectors of Ecuador.Thus, the convenience of its fertilization fully encompasses its performance, both in quality and quantity, based on the contribution of essential nutrients for the productivity of the plantation. Certainly its fertilization is determined by the true nutritional requirement of the crop, the lack of micro or macro nutrients of this, the dose and the timely application time ensuring the nutritional balance of the sugar cane, on which the agricultural utility of the crop will depend. It should be noted that all the information postulated here was obtained from bibliographic technical documents and synthesized as a compendium for the reader's perception of the already established topic.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe cultivation of sugar cane is considered an ancient source of energy for humans. Today it is one of the crops with the highest value, importance and production in the agribusiness sector worldwide, being one of the most profitable and job-generating productions inside and outside the rural area. This project is based on the importance, efficiency and assiduity of fertilization management in the cultivation of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) in Ecuador. This in order to provide the essential and assimilable elements that will increase your profitability. Being one of the most notorious and productive crops in our country, it has immense consideration and interest on the part of agricultural producers for its remunerative rates, in turn, which are intensified by the large number of lucrative areas for different types of crops. . varieties of sugarcane, marking the enormous adaptability to agro climatic conditions that these plantations have had in the distinguished sectors of Ecuador.Thus, the convenience of its fertilization fully encompasses its performance, both in quality and quantity, based on the contribution of essential nutrients for the productivity of the plantation. Certainly its fertilization is determined by the true nutritional requirement of the crop, the lack of micro or macro nutrients of this, the dose and the timely application time ensuring the nutritional balance of the sugar cane, on which the agricultural utility of the crop will depend. It should be noted that all the information postulated here was obtained from bibliographic technical documents and synthesized as a compendium for the reader's perception of the already established topic.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl cultivo de caña de azúcar es considerado como una antigua fuente de energía para los seres humanos. A día de hoy es uno de los cultivos de mayor valor, importancia y producción del sector agroindustrial a nivel mundial, siendo una de las producciones más rentables y generadoras de empleo dentro y fuera del área rural. El presente proyecto se fundamenta en la importancia, eficacia y asiduidad del manejo de la fertilización en el cultivo de caña de azúcar (Saccharum officinarum) en el Ecuador. Esto con el fin de proporcionarle los elementos imprescindibles y asimilables que acrecentaran la rentabilidad del mismo. Al ser uno de los cultivos de gran notoriedad y producción en nuestro país, posee una inmensa consideración e interés por parte de los productores agrícolas por sus tasas remuneradoras a su vez, que es intensificado por la gran cantidad de zonas lucrativas para las distintos tipos de variedades de caña de azúcar, marcando la enorme adaptabilidad a las condiciones agroedafoclimaticas que han tenido estas plantaciones en los distinguidos sectores del Ecuador. Es así, que la conveniencia de su fertilización engloba plenamente el rendimiento del mismo, tanto en calidad como en cantidad, teniendo como base el aporte de los nutrientes esenciales para la productividad de la plantación. Ciertamente su fertilización está determinada por el requerimiento nutricional verdadero del cultivo, carencia de micro o macro nutrientes de este, dosis y tiempo oportuno de aplicación asegurando el equilibrio nutricional de la caña de azúcar, de la cual dependerá la utilidad agrícola del cultivo. Cabe destacar que toda la información aquí postulada fue obtenida de documentos técnicos bibliográficos y sintetizados a manera de compendio para la percepción del lector sobre el tema ya establecido.es_ES
dc.format.extent31 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2021es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectCaña de azúcares_ES
dc.subjectArea agroindustriales_ES
dc.subjectCondiciones agroedafoclimaticases_ES
dc.titleManejo de la fertilización en el cultivo de caña de azúcar (Saccharum officinarum), en el Ecuadores_ES

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