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dc.contributor.advisorUvidia Vélez, Martha
dc.contributor.authorOnofre Ramos, Daniel Ismael
dc.descriptionThe cultivation of sugar cane is of Asian origin, it has become very important in the gastronomy of Ecuador. Our objective is to emphasize how a geographic information system works in sugarcane. It is a very important crop in the country, being the provinces of Imbabura, Cañar, Guayas and Loja with the highest production of this item. This product is the raw material for the elaboration of artisan products such as honey, guarapo and the famous currincho from the Junín canton, Manabí province. Sugar cane is a very important crop in Ecuador, from which sugar is obtained, which is a product that is part of the Ecuadorian food chain and is a fundamental ingredient of many processed and semi-processed foods that are widely consumed. In Ecuador some 85,000 hectares are harvested annually for the production of sugar and ethanol. Another 51,000 hectares are used for the production of panela and artisanal alcoholic beverages. This crop generates more than 32,000 direct jobs in the sugar industry. The application of new technologies (GIS) in the field as in the factory, give a forecast of a substantial improvement in the production of sugarcane.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe cultivation of sugar cane is of Asian origin, it has become very important in the gastronomy of Ecuador. Our objective is to emphasize how a geographic information system works in sugarcane. It is a very important crop in the country, being the provinces of Imbabura, Cañar, Guayas and Loja with the highest production of this item. This product is the raw material for the elaboration of artisan products such as honey, guarapo and the famous currincho from the Junín canton, Manabí province. Sugar cane is a very important crop in Ecuador, from which sugar is obtained, which is a product that is part of the Ecuadorian food chain and is a fundamental ingredient of many processed and semi-processed foods that are widely consumed. In Ecuador some 85,000 hectares are harvested annually for the production of sugar and ethanol. Another 51,000 hectares are used for the production of panela and artisanal alcoholic beverages. This crop generates more than 32,000 direct jobs in the sugar industry. The application of new technologies (GIS) in the field as in the factory, give a forecast of a substantial improvement in the production of sugarcane.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl cultivo de la caña de azúcar es de origen asiático, ha tomado mucha relevancia en la gastronomía del Ecuador. Como objetivo tenemos recalcar como funciona un sistema de información geográfica en la caña de azúcar. Es un cultivo de mucha importancia en el país, siendo las provincias de Imbabura, Cañar, Guayas y Loja con mayor producción de este rubro. Dicho producto es la materia prima de la elaboración de productos artesanales como la miel, guarapo y el famoso currincho del cantón Junín provincia de Manabí. La caña de azúcar es un cultivo de mucha importancia en el Ecuador, de la cual se obtiene el azúcar que es un producto que forma parte de la cadena alimenticia de los ecuatorianos y es un ingrediente fundamental de muchos alimentos elaborados y semielaborados de consumó abundante. En el Ecuador se cosechan anualmente unas 85.000 hectáreas para la producción de azúcar y etanol. Otras 51.000 hectáreas se ocupan para la producción de panela y bebidas alcohólicas artesanales. Este cultivo genera más de 32.000 empleos directos en la industria azucarera. La aplicación de nuevas tecnologías (SIG) en el campo como en la fábrica, dan un pronóstico de un mejoramiento sustancial en la producción de caña de azúcar.es_ES
dc.format.extent15 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2020es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectSistema de posicionamiento geográficoes_ES
dc.titleSistemas de información geográfica en la producción de caña de azúcar (Saccharum officinarum), en el Ecuadores_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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