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dc.contributor.advisorRodríguez Gomez, María
dc.contributor.authorNarváez Moreira, Adrian Alexander
dc.descriptionThe company Bazar Milú, is a private entity, which is dedicated to the retail sale of clothing plus footwear, sale that is carried out both in cash and on direct credit; However, the company has problems in the management of its accounts receivable and in the collection of the amounts owed that the company as such must carry out in order to obtain sufficient and necessary resources for the normal course of business. By presenting inconveniences in the collection of accounts receivable, the company has presented difficulties in meeting its short-term obligations, as well as its current expenses for the ordinary course of the business, that is, liquidity or cash flow problems; This problem generates the object of this case study: management of accounts receivable and cash flow. The main objective of this case study is to analyze in detail and in retrospect the causes and motives for which an adequate and efficient management of accounts receivable is not carried out in the company Bazar Milú; hoping to obtain the relationship of responsibility between the employees and their assigned functions regarding the management of accounts receivable. In this investigative work, several techniques necessary to carry out the study have been used in order to obtain greater certainty and security about the problems that cause mismanagement in the accounts and to understand why this situation originates that generates liquidity problems for the company.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe company Bazar Milú, is a private entity, which is dedicated to the retail sale of clothing plus footwear, sale that is carried out both in cash and on direct credit; However, the company has problems in the management of its accounts receivable and in the collection of the amounts owed that the company as such must carry out in order to obtain sufficient and necessary resources for the normal course of business. By presenting inconveniences in the collection of accounts receivable, the company has presented difficulties in meeting its short-term obligations, as well as its current expenses for the ordinary course of the business, that is, liquidity or cash flow problems; This problem generates the object of this case study: management of accounts receivable and cash flow. The main objective of this case study is to analyze in detail and in retrospect the causes and motives for which an adequate and efficient management of accounts receivable is not carried out in the company Bazar Milú; hoping to obtain the relationship of responsibility between the employees and their assigned functions regarding the management of accounts receivable. In this investigative work, several techniques necessary to carry out the study have been used in order to obtain greater certainty and security about the problems that cause mismanagement in the accounts and to understand why this situation originates that generates liquidity problems for the company.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa empresa Bazar Milú, es un ente privado, que se dedica a la venta al por menor de prendas de vestir más calzado, venta que se realiza tanto de contado como a crédito directo; sin embargo, la empresa presenta inconvenientes en la gestión de sus cuentas por cobrar y en la recaudación de los valores adeudados que la empresa como tal debe realizar para obtener los recursos suficientes y necesarios para el giro normal del negocio. Al presentar inconvenientes en la recaudación de las cuentas por cobrar, la empresa ha presentado dificultades para cumplir con sus obligaciones a corto plazo, así como de sus gastos corrientes para el giro ordinario del negocio, es decir, problemas de liquidez o flujo de efectivo; este problema genera el objeto de este estudio de caso: gestión de cuentas por cobrar y flujo de efectivo. El objetivo principal de este estudio de caso es analizar detalladamente y en retrospectiva las causas y motivos por los cuales no se realiza una gestión adecuada y eficiente sobre las cuentas por cobrar en la empresa Bazar Milú; esperando obtener la relación de responsabilidad entre los empleados y sus funciones asignadas en cuanto a la gestión de las cuentas por cobrar. En el presente trabajo investigativo se ha empleado varias técnicas necesarias para realizar el estudio a fin de obtener una mayor certeza y seguridad sobre los problemas que ocasionan la mala gestión en las cuentas y entender el por qué se origina esta situación que genera problemas de liquidez para la empresa.es_ES
dc.format.extent25 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2020es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectCuentas por cobrares_ES
dc.titleGestión de las cuentas por cobrar y su afectación en el flujo de efectivo de la Empresa Bazar Milú, período 2019es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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