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dc.contributor.advisorCaicedo, Karina
dc.contributor.authorMejia Rodas, Katherine Dayane
dc.descriptionThis research set out to identify stress levels in physicians and their impact on job performance. Today it is recognized that stress is one of the main health problems. The study was carried out in a sub-center of the holy rose of the city of Quevedo, in August 2020. The selected participants were 10, doctors between or men and women who responded to a survey in order to be able to measure their stress levels and see if they have an impact on job performance. It was obtained as a result that there is some degree of stress in the doctors, frequent stressors are work overload, financial problems, intra-family problems, fear of catching the covid 19 virus and of infecting their family. An unmotivated, poorly paid doctor with financial and interpersonal problems tends to be more prone to stress, stress not only affects the doctors but also the patients as they would not be well cared for by the doctor. If it is not assessed in time, it would turn into moderate, severe or extreme chronic stress or burnout syndrome. One of the first symptoms of a mild nature but the list of psychological symptoms goes from mild that are like signs of stress is: difficulty getting out of bed, which means that the body is tired, pathological exhaustion at a moderate level, is the bad mood, frustrated nothing fills him up, incompetence and at severe levels no will to live absenteeism usually abusing drugs drugs and alcohol The doctor was evaluated and strategies for the prevention of work stress were created. They must focus on combating stressors from their source.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis research set out to identify stress levels in physicians and their impact on job performance. Today it is recognized that stress is one of the main health problems. The study was carried out in a sub-center of the holy rose of the city of Quevedo, in August 2020. The selected participants were 10, doctors between or men and women who responded to a survey in order to be able to measure their stress levels and see if they have an impact on job performance. It was obtained as a result that there is some degree of stress in the doctors, frequent stressors are work overload, financial problems, intra-family problems, fear of catching the covid 19 virus and of infecting their family. An unmotivated, poorly paid doctor with financial and interpersonal problems tends to be more prone to stress, stress not only affects the doctors but also the patients as they would not be well cared for by the doctor. If it is not assessed in time, it would turn into moderate, severe or extreme chronic stress or burnout syndrome. One of the first symptoms of a mild nature but the list of psychological symptoms goes from mild that are like signs of stress is: difficulty getting out of bed, which means that the body is tired, pathological exhaustion at a moderate level, is the bad mood, frustrated nothing fills him up, incompetence and at severe levels no will to live absenteeism usually abusing drugs drugs and alcohol The doctor was evaluated and strategies for the prevention of work stress were created. They must focus on combating stressors from their source.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEsta investigación se propuso identificar los niveles de estrés en los médicos y su incidencia en el desempeño laboral. Hoy en día se reconoce que el estrés es uno de los principales problemas de la salud, El estudio se realizó en un subcentro Santa Rosa de la ciudad de Quevedo, en agosto del 2020. Los participantes seleccionados fueron 10, médicos entre o hombres y mujeres que respondieron a una encuesta con la finalidad de poder medir sus niveles de estrés y ver si tienen incidencia en el desempeño laboral. Se obtuvo como resultado que existe algún grado de estrés en los médicos, los estresores frecuentes son sobrecarga laboral, problemas económicos, problemas intrafamiliares, miedo a contagiarse del virus COVID 19 y con contagiar a su familia. Un médico desmotivado, mal remunerado y con problemas económicos e interpersonales tiende a ser más propenso a sufrir de estrés, el estrés no solo afecta a los medico también a los pacientes ya que no serían bien atendido por partes del médico. Si no se lo valora a tiempo se convertiría en estrés crónico o síndrome del burnout La lista de síntomas psicológicos que puede originar este síndrome es extensa, pudiendo ser leves, moderados, graves o extremos. Uno de los primeros síntomas de carácter leve pero que sirven como señal de alarma es la dificultad para levantarse por la mañana o el cansancio patológico, en un nivel moderado se presenta distanciamiento, irritabilidad, fatiga, aburrimiento, progresiva pérdida del idealismo que convierten al individuo en emocionalmente exhausto con sentimientos de frustración, incompetencia, culpa y autovaloración negativa. Los graves se expresan en el abuso de psicofármacos, ausentismo, abuso de alcohol y drogas, entre otros síntomas. Se evaluó al médico y se creó estrategias de prevención de estrés laboral deben concentrarse en combatir los factores estresantes desde su origen.es_ES
dc.format.extent37 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2020es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectEstrés laborales_ES
dc.subjectCovid 19es_ES
dc.subjectSíndrome de burnoutes_ES
dc.subjectDesempeño laborales_ES
dc.titleEstrés y su incidencia el desempeño laboral de los médicos del Subcentro Santa Rosa de la ciudad de Quevedo en el año 2020es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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