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dc.contributor.advisorArellano, Darío
dc.contributor.authorEspaña Vera, Juleivy Stephania
dc.descriptionThis case study seeks to answer the question: What is the inventory of properties in Mocache Los Ríos? The initiative to carry out this case study investigation is precisely to know which are the agrotourism farms that provide the service in Mocache and the state in which they are in the activity, through the research design with a mixed approach that is framed within of a descriptive documentary methodology, where through the content analysis technique, the farms with agrotourism potential in Los Ríos will be quantified in the inventory, taking the canton “Mocache” as a data collection sample. Also, the qualitative-inductive method where through an interview and an adapted technical sheet that will allow the potential of the agrotourism farms in Mocache to be predetermined. The result of the investigation is 105 farms with open production conditions, where their main crops are banana, cocoa, corn and mandarin. After managing to apply the agrotourism potential sheet, it is concluded that there are two agrotourism farms in Mocache Los Ríos. Through this research we present the information collected as a source of learning and knowledge for the population and authorities so that they can learn about the agrotourism farms in the canton.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis case study seeks to answer the question: What is the inventory of properties in Mocache Los Ríos? The initiative to carry out this case study investigation is precisely to know which are the agrotourism farms that provide the service in Mocache and the state in which they are in the activity, through the research design with a mixed approach that is framed within of a descriptive documentary methodology, where through the content analysis technique, the farms with agrotourism potential in Los Ríos will be quantified in the inventory, taking the canton “Mocache” as a data collection sample. Also, the qualitative-inductive method where through an interview and an adapted technical sheet that will allow the potential of the agrotourism farms in Mocache to be predetermined. The result of the investigation is 105 farms with open production conditions, where their main crops are banana, cocoa, corn and mandarin. After managing to apply the agrotourism potential sheet, it is concluded that there are two agrotourism farms in Mocache Los Ríos. Through this research we present the information collected as a source of learning and knowledge for the population and authorities so that they can learn about the agrotourism farms in the canton.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente estudio de caso busca dar respuesta a la pregunta ¿Cuál es el inventario de fincas en Mocache Los Ríos? La iniciativa de realizar la presente investigación del estudio de caso es para conocer cuáles son las fincas agroturísticas que existen en Mocache y si se encuentran realizando la actividad; para ello se utilizará el diseño de investigación con un enfoque mixto que se enmarca dentro de una metodología documental descriptiva, donde a través de la técnica de análisis de contenido, se cuantificará en el inventario las fincas con potencial agroturístico de Los Ríos, tomando como muestra de recolección de datos el cantón “Mocache”. Además, se utilizará el método cualitativo-inductivo donde a través de entrevista y una ficha técnica adaptada permitirá determinar el potencial de las fincas agroturísticas en Mocache. Dando como resultado de la investigación 105 fincas siendo su condición de producción amplia, donde sus principales cultivos son el banano, cacao, maíz, y mandarina. Después de lograr aplicar la ficha de potencialidad agroturística se concluyó que existen dos fincas agroturísticas en Mocache Los Ríos. Mediante esta investigación presentamos la información recopilada como fuente de aprendizaje y conocimiento para la población y autoridades con la finalidad de generar un documento de apoyo respecto a cuáles son las fincas agroturísticas del cantón.es_ES
dc.format.extent44 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2023es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectInventario de fincases_ES
dc.subjectFicha de levantamientoes_ES
dc.subjectAtractivos turísticoses_ES
dc.titleInventario de fincas con potencialidad agroturística en Los Ríoses_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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