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dc.contributor.advisorFranco Choez, Xavier Eduardo
dc.contributor.authorRamírez Morán, Olga Alexandra
dc.descriptionThe present case study was born with the question: How do cognitive distortions influence the emotional state of an older adult residing in the Vinces canton? Given the observations made in an older adult during the praxis of Linkage with society that was carried out previously. Cognitive distortions can be defined as biases when interpreting the information, we receive from the environment and others, these distortions appear as automatic thoughts directed towards the environment, others and ourselves that can generate responses of both an emotional and behavioral. On the other hand, people are emotional beings by nature, which is why we have different emotional reactions based on all the situations we experience, which vary in intensity and duration, determining the type of emotional state. The main objective of this work is to determine the influence that cognitive distortions present in the elderly have on their emotional state, through various techniques and instruments of psychological evaluation, where it was identified that the emotions present in the adult greater are anger and sadness, where the latter lasts longer, determining a condition in the mood.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present case study was born with the question: How do cognitive distortions influence the emotional state of an older adult residing in the Vinces canton? Given the observations made in an older adult during the praxis of Linkage with society that was carried out previously. Cognitive distortions can be defined as biases when interpreting the information, we receive from the environment and others, these distortions appear as automatic thoughts directed towards the environment, others and ourselves that can generate responses of both an emotional and behavioral. On the other hand, people are emotional beings by nature, which is why we have different emotional reactions based on all the situations we experience, which vary in intensity and duration, determining the type of emotional state. The main objective of this work is to determine the influence that cognitive distortions present in the elderly have on their emotional state, through various techniques and instruments of psychological evaluation, where it was identified that the emotions present in the adult greater are anger and sadness, where the latter lasts longer, determining a condition in the mood.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente estudio de caso nace con la pregunta ¿Cómo influyen las distorsiones cognitivas en el estado emocional de un adulto mayor residente en el cantón Vinces? Dado a las observaciones formadas en un adulto mayor durante la praxis de Vinculo con la sociedad que se realizó con anterioridad. Las distorsiones cognitivas se las puede definir como sesgos a la hora de interpretar la información que recibimos del ambiente y los demás, estas distorsiones se presentan como pensamientos automáticos dirigidos hacia el ambiente, los demás y nosotros mismos que pueden generan respuestas tanto de carácter emocional como conductual. Por otro lado las personas somos seres emocionales por naturaleza, por lo cual tenemos diferentes reacciones emocionales en base a todas las situaciones que experimentamos, que varían en intensidad y duración determinando el tipo de es estado emocional. El objetivo principal del presente trabajo es determinar cuál es la influencia que tienen las distorsiones cognitivas presentes en el adulto mayor sobre el estado emocional del mismo, a través de varias técnicas e instrumentos de evaluación psicológica, donde se identificó que las emociones presentes en el adulto mayor son el enojo y la tristeza, donde esta última tiene mayor duración, determinando una afección en el estado de ánimo.es_ES
dc.format.extent53 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2023es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectDistorsiones cognitivases_ES
dc.subjectEstado emocionales_ES
dc.subjectAdulto mayores_ES
dc.subjectPensamientos automáticoses_ES
dc.titleDistorsiones cognitivas y su incidencia en el estado emocional de un adulto mayor residente en el cantón Vinceses_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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