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dc.contributor.advisorDiaz Barzola, Alex Enrique
dc.contributor.authorSantana Baquerizo, Rosa Alejandra
dc.descriptionThe brain tumor is the accumulation of abnormal cells in the body, it is classified into primary non-cancerous (benign) and other cancerous (malignant), depending on where it is located and size, it will determine what type of brain tumor it is and its treatment. In the course of the process, the patient has progressively lost her vision because her tumor has become so ingrained that it has come to press on the optic nerve causing optic neuropathy, which has caused problems for her daily life. The objective of this clinical case is to determine the type of optic neuropathy as a consequence of the brain tumor of the patient and to know what type of solution can be given to improve her vision with the help of the general practitioner, an ophthalmologist and an optometrist. As she did not show improvement in visual acuity, she was referred to an ophthalmologist who, after the ophthalmological evaluation, diagnosed her with compressive optic neuropathy, which is essential that the patient, apart from attending her health center for the treatment of her brain tumor, It is also recommended that you have an annual consultation with the ophthalmologist and optometrist.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe brain tumor is the accumulation of abnormal cells in the body, it is classified into primary non-cancerous (benign) and other cancerous (malignant), depending on where it is located and size, it will determine what type of brain tumor it is and its treatment. In the course of the process, the patient has progressively lost her vision because her tumor has become so ingrained that it has come to press on the optic nerve causing optic neuropathy, which has caused problems for her daily life. The objective of this clinical case is to determine the type of optic neuropathy as a consequence of the brain tumor of the patient and to know what type of solution can be given to improve her vision with the help of the general practitioner, an ophthalmologist and an optometrist. As she did not show improvement in visual acuity, she was referred to an ophthalmologist who, after the ophthalmological evaluation, diagnosed her with compressive optic neuropathy, which is essential that the patient, apart from attending her health center for the treatment of her brain tumor, It is also recommended that you have an annual consultation with the ophthalmologist and optometrist.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl tumor cerebral es la acumulación de células anormales en el cuerpo, se clasifica en no cancerosos primarios (benignos) y otras cancerosas (maligno), dependiendo de dónde se encuentre ubicado y tamaño, determinara que tipo de tumor cerebral es y su tratamiento. En el transcurso la paciente ha ido perdiendo la visión progresivamente debido a que su tumor se ha arraigado tanto que ha llegado a presionar el nervio óptico causándole neuropatía óptica lo que le ha causado problemas para su diario vivir. El objetivo de este caso clínico es determinar el tipo de neuropatía óptica a secuela del tumor cerebral de la paciente y saber qué tipo de solución se le puede dar para que mejore su visión con la ayuda del médico general, un oftalmólogo y un optometrista. Al no mostrar mejoría de la agudeza visual se la remitió a un oftalmólogo que luego de la valoración oftalmológica le diagnostico neuropatía óptica compresiva, lo cual resulta indispensable que la paciente a parte de asistir a su centro de salud para el tratamiento de su tumor cerebral, también es recomendable que tenga consulta anual con el oftalmólogo y el optometrista.es_ES
dc.format.extent28 pes_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2021es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectTumor Cerebrales_ES
dc.subjectNeuropatía Óptica Compresivaes_ES
dc.titleNeuropatía óptica como secuela a tumor cerebral en paciente femenina de 56 años de edad.es_ES

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