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dc.contributor.advisorLung Álvarez, Jorge Edison
dc.contributor.authorMontero González, Lenin Aaron
dc.descriptionThis clinical case study addresses the subject of RPG contact lens adaptation in a patient with a diagnosis of Keratoconus, taking as a starting point that keratoconus is defined as a non-inflammatory pathology of the cornea, of multifactorial origin, which produces progressive visual acuity in patients who suffer from it. The main objective of the study seeks to evaluate the conditions of Keratoconus presented by the 26-year-old female patient for the adaptation of the RPG contact lens. The clinical case is based on a female patient who is 26 years old, attends a consultation with blurred vision, has used glasses since the age of 8 and has periodically changed their measurements. Referred to as a family pathological history; hypertension and type two diabetes mellitus by the maternal grandmother and the vast majority of aunts wear glasses. The definitive diagnosis was obtained from the information and data obtained in the Pentacam. The patient presents grade II keratoconus, for which he has presented a sudden change in his prescription for glasses. After completing the present study, it is concluded that although keratoconus is considered a degenerative pathology, if a premature diagnosis is made, it can be treated in order to provide a better quality of life to the patient.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis clinical case study addresses the subject of RPG contact lens adaptation in a patient with a diagnosis of Keratoconus, taking as a starting point that keratoconus is defined as a non-inflammatory pathology of the cornea, of multifactorial origin, which produces progressive visual acuity in patients who suffer from it. The main objective of the study seeks to evaluate the conditions of Keratoconus presented by the 26-year-old female patient for the adaptation of the RPG contact lens. The clinical case is based on a female patient who is 26 years old, attends a consultation with blurred vision, has used glasses since the age of 8 and has periodically changed their measurements. Referred to as a family pathological history; hypertension and type two diabetes mellitus by the maternal grandmother and the vast majority of aunts wear glasses. The definitive diagnosis was obtained from the information and data obtained in the Pentacam. The patient presents grade II keratoconus, for which he has presented a sudden change in his prescription for glasses. After completing the present study, it is concluded that although keratoconus is considered a degenerative pathology, if a premature diagnosis is made, it can be treated in order to provide a better quality of life to the patient.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente estudio de caso clínico aborda la temática de la adaptación de lente de contacto RPG en paciente con diagnóstico de Queratocono, tomando como punto de partida que el queratocono se define como una patología no inflamatoria de la córnea, de origen multifactorial, la cual produce agudeza visual progresiva en los pacientes que la padecen. El principal objetivo del estudio busca evaluar las condiciones del Queratocono que presenta la paciente femenina de 26 años para la adaptación de lente de contacto RPG. El caso clínico se basa en un paciente de sexo femenino con 26 años cumplidos, asiste a consulta refiriendo visión borrosa, utiliza lentes desde los 8 años y ha cambiado de manera periódica las medida de los mismos Refiere como antecedentes patológicos familiares; hipertensión y diabetes mellitus tipo dos por parte de la abuela materna y la gran mayoría de tías utiliza lentes. El diagnóstico definitivo, se obtuvo a partir de la información y datos previamente obtenidos en el Pentacam el paciente presenta queratocono grado II por lo cual ha presentado un cambio repentino de sus prescripción de anteojos. Luego de finalizar el presente estudio, se concluye que a pesar de que el queratocono es considerado como una patología degenerativa, si se realiza un diagnostico prematuro, puede ser tratada con la finalidad de brindarle una mejor calidad de vida al paciente.es_ES
dc.format.extent27 pes_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2021es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectLente de Contacto RGPes_ES
dc.titleAdaptación de lente de contacto RPG en un paciente con queratocono.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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