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dc.contributor.advisorCamino Bravo, Ivonne Aracely
dc.contributor.authorJaramillo Medina, Bethsua Abigail
dc.descriptionMeconium ileus is a pathology caused by intestinal obstruction in the terminal ileum, which causes it to be accumulated by thick meconium. This pathology occurs in two forms, simple and complex. It is very important to know that meconium ileus occurs more frequently in premature newborns, causing in them multiple clinical manifestations which could be abdominal distention, vomiting, delayed evacuations and palpable meconium. The present clinical case is about a 3-day-old newborn who presents significant abdominal distention without the presence of 65-hour bowel movements, which after multiple examinations is diagnosed with meconium ileus, therefore, it develops in order to present the nursing interventions that can be performed on the neonate during their hospital stay. It should be emphasized that in order to perform these interventions, the patient must be assessed in a cephalo-caudal manner and the assessment by Marjorie Gordon's functional patterns, which through the verification of altered patterns can identify problems and provide nursing care priotaries in the neonate with meconium ileus. One of the priority interventions that should be performed on the neonate with thick meconium is the acetyl cysteine enema at least twice a day, since this type of meconium is not easily eliminated. It is very important to know that for the management of the newborn with meconium ileus, biosafety measures must be strictly used since it is a very complex pathology.es_ES
dc.descriptionMeconium ileus is a pathology caused by intestinal obstruction in the terminal ileum, which causes it to be accumulated by thick meconium. This pathology occurs in two forms, simple and complex. It is very important to know that meconium ileus occurs more frequently in premature newborns, causing in them multiple clinical manifestations which could be abdominal distention, vomiting, delayed evacuations and palpable meconium. The present clinical case is about a 3-day-old newborn who presents significant abdominal distention without the presence of 65-hour bowel movements, which after multiple examinations is diagnosed with meconium ileus, therefore, it develops in order to present the nursing interventions that can be performed on the neonate during their hospital stay. It should be emphasized that in order to perform these interventions, the patient must be assessed in a cephalo-caudal manner and the assessment by Marjorie Gordon's functional patterns, which through the verification of altered patterns can identify problems and provide nursing care priotaries in the neonate with meconium ileus. One of the priority interventions that should be performed on the neonate with thick meconium is the acetyl cysteine enema at least twice a day, since this type of meconium is not easily eliminated. It is very important to know that for the management of the newborn with meconium ileus, biosafety measures must be strictly used since it is a very complex pathology.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl íleo meconial es una patología causada por una obstrucción intestinal en el íleon terminal, lo cual hace que este se encuentre acumulado por meconio espeso, esta patología se presenta en dos formas, simple y compleja. Es muy importante saber que el íleo meconial se presenta con mayor frecuencia en recién nacidos prematuros, provocando en ellos múltiples manifestaciones clínicas las cuales podrían ser distensión abdominal, vómito, retraso en las evacuaciones y meconio palpable. El presente caso clínico trata acerca de un Neonato de 3 días de nacido que presenta distención abdominal importante sin presencia de evacuaciones intestinales de 65 horas lo cual luego de múltiples exámenes es diagnosticado con íleo meconial, por ende, se lo desarrolla con el fin de presentar las intervenciones de enfermería que se le pueden realizar al neonato durante su estadía hospitalaria. Cabe recalcar que para poder realizar estas intervenciones se tiene que valorar al paciente de manera céfalo-caudal y la valoración por patrones funcionales de Marjorie Gordon, que a través de la verificación de los patrones alterados se puede identificar los problemas y proporcionar los cuidados de enfermería priotarios en el neonato con íleo meconial. Unas de las intervenciones prioritarias que se le debe realizar al neonato con meconio espeso es el enema de acetil cisteína por lo menos dos veces al día, ya que este tipo de meconio no es eliminado con facilidad. Es muy importante saber que para el manejo del neonato con íleo meconial se debe utiles_ES
dc.format.extent29 pes_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2021es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleProceso de atención de enfermería en recién nacido a término con Íleo Meconial.es_ES

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