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dc.contributor.advisorCamino Bravo, Ivonne Aracely
dc.contributor.authorEspín Yánez, Leydy Lisbeth
dc.descriptionPreeclampsia is a pathology of placental origin characterized by: high blood pressure (≥ 140-90 mmHg) from the twentieth week of pregnancy or throughout the puerperium. It is called mild pre-eclampsia once the blood pressure is ≥ 140/90 mmHg, severe pre-eclampsia when the blood pressure ranges between 160/110 mmHg without systemic consequence, and severe pre-eclampsia once the blood pressure is ≥ 160/110 mmHg accompanied by pathologic proteinuria (≥300 mg / day) with evidence of maternal target organ damage or failure (brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, coagulation cascade). The complication of pre-eclampsia is eclampsia determined by the appearance of generalized tonic-clonic seizures in a patient with pre-eclampsia that cannot be explained by a different cause. Above all, the above is of vital importance to recognize the signs and symptoms for the application of a timely treatment, in addition to educating the pregnant woman about the care that she should have before, during and after pregnancy. For this reason, the study of this clinical case of a preeclantic patient admitted to the Baba Basic Hospital is carried out, to which the nursing care process will be applied in order to provide standardized care to improve the patient's condition and avoid irreversible sequelae in the mother and her new self.es_ES
dc.descriptionPreeclampsia is a pathology of placental origin characterized by: high blood pressure (≥ 140-90 mmHg) from the twentieth week of pregnancy or throughout the puerperium. It is called mild pre-eclampsia once the blood pressure is ≥ 140/90 mmHg, severe pre-eclampsia when the blood pressure ranges between 160/110 mmHg without systemic consequence, and severe pre-eclampsia once the blood pressure is ≥ 160/110 mmHg accompanied by pathologic proteinuria (≥300 mg / day) with evidence of maternal target organ damage or failure (brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, coagulation cascade). The complication of pre-eclampsia is eclampsia determined by the appearance of generalized tonic-clonic seizures in a patient with pre-eclampsia that cannot be explained by a different cause. Above all, the above is of vital importance to recognize the signs and symptoms for the application of a timely treatment, in addition to educating the pregnant woman about the care that she should have before, during and after pregnancy. For this reason, the study of this clinical case of a preeclantic patient admitted to the Baba Basic Hospital is carried out, to which the nursing care process will be applied in order to provide standardized care to improve the patient's condition and avoid irreversible sequelae in the mother and her new self.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa preeclampsia es una patología de procedencia placentario que se caracteriza por: presión arterial alta (≥ 140-90 mmHg) desde la vigésima semana de embarazo o a lo largo del puerperio. Se llama preeclampsia leve una vez que la presión de sangre es ≥ 140/90 mmHg, preeclampsia grave cuando la presión arterial oscila entre los 160/110 mmHg sin consecuencia sistémica y preeclampsia severa una vez que la presión de sangre es ≥ 160/110 mmHg acompañada de proteinuria patológica (≥ 300 mg/día) con prueba de lesión o insuficiencia de los órganos blanco maternos (cerebro, corazón, pulmones, riñones, hígado, cascada de la coagulación). La complicación de la preeclampsia es la eclampsia determinada por la aparición de crisis convulsivas tónico-clónicas generalizadas en una enferma con preeclampsia que no tienen la posibilidad de explicarse por una causa distinto. Ante todo, lo expuesto es de vital importancia reconocer los signos y síntomas para la aplicación de un tratamiento oportuno, además de educar a la gestante sobre los cuidados que esta debe tener antes, durante y después del embarazo. Por esta razón se realiza el estudio de este caso clínico de una paciente preeclantica ingresada en el Hospital Básico de Baba, a la cual se le aplicara el proceso de atención de enfermería con el fin de brindar cuidados estandarizados para mejorar la condición de la paciente y evitar secuelas irreversibles en la madre y su nuevo ser.es_ES
dc.format.extent42 pes_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2021es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleIntervenciones de enfermería en una gestante de 37 semanas con diagnóstico de preeclampsia.es_ES

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