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dc.contributor.advisorOrdoñez Hinojosa, Martha
dc.contributor.authorBajaña Flores, Julexy Jamileth
dc.descriptionThis Clinical Case aims to publicize the nursing care process in a Newborn with Respiratory Difficulty, who was admitted to the pediatric area of the Baba Basic Hospital, for presenting symptoms of nasal flutter, rapid and shallow breathing It presents due to the immaturity of the lungs incapable of secreting surfactant, pulmonary immaturity and neurological incapacity to effect gas exchange efficiently, presenting itself at birth. Its incidence is higher in male neonates.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis Clinical Case aims to publicize the nursing care process in a Newborn with Respiratory Difficulty, who was admitted to the pediatric area of the Baba Basic Hospital, for presenting symptoms of nasal flutter, rapid and shallow breathing It presents due to the immaturity of the lungs incapable of secreting surfactant, pulmonary immaturity and neurological incapacity to effect gas exchange efficiently, presenting itself at birth. Its incidence is higher in male neonates.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEste Caso Clínico tiene la finalidad de dar a conocer el proceso de atención de Enfermería en un Recién Nacido con Dificultad Respiratoria, que fue ingresado al área de pediatría del Hospital Básico de Baba, por presentar una sintomatología de aleteo nasal, respiración rápida y poco profunda. Se presenta debido a la inmadurez de los pulmones incapaces de secretar surfactante, inmadurez pulmonar e incapacidad neurológica para efectuar el intercambio gaseoso eficientemente, presentándose al nacer. Su incidencia es mayor en neonatos masculinos.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2021es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectDificultad Respiratoriaes_ES
dc.subjectInmadurez pulmonares_ES
dc.subjectAleteo nasales_ES
dc.subjectintercambio gaseosoes_ES
dc.titleProceso atención de enfermería en recién nacido con dificultad respiratoriaes_ES

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