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dc.contributor.advisorReyes Borja, Walter Oswaldo
dc.contributor.authorColombatti Morán, Jaime Renato
dc.descriptionThis experimental test was carried out at the “San Pablo” Experimental Farm of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Technical University of Babahoyo, located at KM 7.5 of the Babahoyo - Montalvo road. The main objective of the study was to evaluate the “Agronomic and productive variability of rice F2 lines (Oryza sativa L.), from crosses with a male parent carrying the CLEARFIELD gene”. The variables that were evaluated are: Vigor, Flowering, Vegetative cycle, Plant height (cm), Panicles per plant, Panicle length (cm), Grains per panicle, Vain grains per panicle Sterility%, weight of 1000 grains (g), Yield (grain / plant), Yield (g / plant), Shape of grain, Length and Width of grain (mm). According to the results obtained, it was possible to verify that all the studied treatments presented a high agronomic variability, since in all the variations high significant differences are registered. In relation to the data obtained, regarding the yield variable (g / plant), it was found that the progenies FI-107 / BR-101, FE-103 / BR-101, G-111 / BR- 101, FL-109 / BR-101 and parental BR-101 were significantly superior to the rest of the evaluated treatments, presenting means of 39.15; 39.33; 39.68; 42.13 and 46.00 g / plant. Twelve individuals with the best productive characteristics were selected, as a result of the combination of the best individuals, where four characteristics were considered, such as: number of panicles per plant, panicle length (cm), yield (g / plant) and length of shelled grain (mm).es_ES
dc.descriptionThis experimental test was carried out at the “San Pablo” Experimental Farm of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Technical University of Babahoyo, located at KM 7.5 of the Babahoyo - Montalvo road. The main objective of the study was to evaluate the “Agronomic and productive variability of rice F2 lines (Oryza sativa L.), from crosses with a male parent carrying the CLEARFIELD gene”. The variables that were evaluated are: Vigor, Flowering, Vegetative cycle, Plant height (cm), Panicles per plant, Panicle length (cm), Grains per panicle, Vain grains per panicle Sterility%, weight of 1000 grains (g), Yield (grain / plant), Yield (g / plant), Shape of grain, Length and Width of grain (mm). According to the results obtained, it was possible to verify that all the studied treatments presented a high agronomic variability, since in all the variations high significant differences are registered. In relation to the data obtained, regarding the yield variable (g / plant), it was found that the progenies FI-107 / BR-101, FE-103 / BR-101, G-111 / BR- 101, FL-109 / BR-101 and parental BR-101 were significantly superior to the rest of the evaluated treatments, presenting means of 39.15; 39.33; 39.68; 42.13 and 46.00 g / plant. Twelve individuals with the best productive characteristics were selected, as a result of the combination of the best individuals, where four characteristics were considered, such as: number of panicles per plant, panicle length (cm), yield (g / plant) and length of shelled grain (mm).es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente trabajo experimental se realizó en los predios de la Granja Experimental “San Pablo” de la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, ubicada en KM 7,5 de la vía Babahoyo – Montalvo. El objetivo principal de estudio fue evaluar la “Variabilidad agronómica y productiva de líneas F2 de arroz (Oryza sativa L.), provenientes de cruzas con un progenitor masculino portador del gen CLEARFIELD”. Las variables que fueron evaluadas son: Vigor, Floración (días), Ciclo vegetativo (días), Altura de planta (cm), Panículas por planta, Longitud de panícula (cm), Granos por panícula, Granos vanos por panícula Esterilidad de panícula %, peso de 1000 granos (g), Número de granos totales por planta, Rendimiento (g/planta), Forma de grano, Longitud y Ancho de grano (mm). De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, se pudo verificar que todos los tratamientos estudiados presentaron una variabilidad agronómica alta, ya que en todas las variaciones se registran altas diferencias significativas. Con relación a los datos que se obtuvieron, respecto a la variable de rendimiento (g/planta), se pudo comprobar que las progenies FI-107/BR-101, FE-103/BR-101, G-111/BR-101, FL-109/BR-101 y el parental BR-101 fueron significativamente superiores al resto de los tratamientos evaluados, presentando medias de 39,15; 39,33; 39,68; 42,13 y 46,00 g/planta. Se seleccionaron 12 individuos de mejores características productivas, como resultado de la combinación de los mejores individuos obtenidos, donde se consideraron las cuatro características, tales como: número de panículas por planta, longitud de panícula (cm), rendimiento (g/planta) y longitud de grano descascarado (mm).es_ES
dc.format.extent56 p.es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectLíneas F2es_ES
dc.subjectVariabilidad agronómica y productivaes_ES
dc.subjectGen CLEARFIELDes_ES
dc.titleVariabilidad agronómica y productiva de líneas F2 de arroz (Oryza sativa L.), provenientes de cruzas con un progenitor masculino portador del gen CLEARFIELDes_ES

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