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dc.contributor.advisorCobos Mora, Fernando
dc.contributor.authorMonserrate Barco, David Ricardo
dc.descriptionThe present experimental work was carried out in the lands owned by Mr. Ángel Calero Jiménez, located in the "Cedege" irrigation project, in the Rcto. Palmar, Zone 6, belonging to the canton Babahoyo, Province of the Rivers. Seed was used as seed material of rice SFL-11 and INIAP Cristalino 1480. The treatments studied were rice varieties with presence of weeds at 15, 30, 45 and 60 days after transplanting and an uncontrolled control. The experimental design "Complete Random Blocks" was used, in Factorial arrangement A x B, with ten treatments and three repetitions. Factor A was made up of rice varieties and Factor B due to the presence of weeds. All the variables evaluated were subjected to the analysis of variance and to determine the statistical difference between the means of the treatments, the Tukey statistical significance test was used at the 0.05 level. During the development of the crop, the following tasks and agricultural practices were carried out, such as Land Preparation, Sowing, Irrigation, Fertilization, Weed Control, Phytosanitary Control and Harvesting. Based on the results obtained, it was determined that the effect of the weeds was reported in the critical period of rice (Oryza sativa) in the Babahoyo area; the SFL-11 rice variety positively influenced weed attack; the agronomic characteristics of plant height, tillers and panicles / m2, days to flowering, panicle length, grains per panicles and weight of 1000 grains obtained positive results in the SFL-11 variety with presence of weeds 30 days after the transplant ; in the length of roots, fresh and dry biomass of the aerial part, the rice varieties studied were not statistically significant, however variation in the interactions was reached, with the presence of weeds standing out at 30 days after the transplant; the fresh and dry biomass of the root obtained higher average in the SFL-11 variety with presence of weeds at 30 days after the transplant and the highest yield of the crop and net benefit was presented in the SFL-11 variety with presence of weeds at 30 days after the transplant with 5161 kg / ha and economic gain of $ 483.04.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present experimental work was carried out in the lands owned by Mr. Ángel Calero Jiménez, located in the "Cedege" irrigation project, in the Rcto. Palmar, Zone 6, belonging to the canton Babahoyo, Province of the Rivers. Seed was used as seed material of rice SFL-11 and INIAP Cristalino 1480. The treatments studied were rice varieties with presence of weeds at 15, 30, 45 and 60 days after transplanting and an uncontrolled control. The experimental design "Complete Random Blocks" was used, in Factorial arrangement A x B, with ten treatments and three repetitions. Factor A was made up of rice varieties and Factor B due to the presence of weeds. All the variables evaluated were subjected to the analysis of variance and to determine the statistical difference between the means of the treatments, the Tukey statistical significance test was used at the 0.05 level. During the development of the crop, the following tasks and agricultural practices were carried out, such as Land Preparation, Sowing, Irrigation, Fertilization, Weed Control, Phytosanitary Control and Harvesting. Based on the results obtained, it was determined that the effect of the weeds was reported in the critical period of rice (Oryza sativa) in the Babahoyo area; the SFL-11 rice variety positively influenced weed attack; the agronomic characteristics of plant height, tillers and panicles / m2, days to flowering, panicle length, grains per panicles and weight of 1000 grains obtained positive results in the SFL-11 variety with presence of weeds 30 days after the transplant ; in the length of roots, fresh and dry biomass of the aerial part, the rice varieties studied were not statistically significant, however variation in the interactions was reached, with the presence of weeds standing out at 30 days after the transplant; the fresh and dry biomass of the root obtained higher average in the SFL-11 variety with presence of weeds at 30 days after the transplant and the highest yield of the crop and net benefit was presented in the SFL-11 variety with presence of weeds at 30 days after the transplant with 5161 kg / ha and economic gain of $ 483.04.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente trabajo experimental se realizó en los terrenos de propiedad del Sr. Ángel Calero Jiménez, ubicado en el proyecto de riego “Cedege”, en el Rcto. Palmar, Zona 6, perteneciente al cantón Babahoyo, Provincia de los Ríos. Se utilizó como material de siembra, semilla de arroz SFL-11 e INIAP Cristalino 1480. Los tratamientos estudiados fueron las variedades de arroz con presencia de malezas a los 15, 30, 45 y 60 días después del trasplante y un testigo sin control. Se utilizó el diseño experimental "Bloques completos al Azar", en arreglo Factorial A x B, con diez tratamientos y tres repeticiones. El Factor A estuvo conformado por las variedades de arroz y el Factor B por la presencia de malezas. Todas las variables evaluadas se sometieron al análisis de varianza y para determinar la diferencia estadísticas entre las medias de los tratamientos, se empleó la prueba de significancia estadística de Tukey al nivel 0,05. Durante el desarrollo del cultivo, se realizaron las siguientes labores y prácticas agrícolas como Preparación de terreno, Siembra, Riego, Fertilización, Control de malezas, Control fitosanitario y Cosecha. Por los resultados obtenidos se determinó que se reportó efecto de las malezas en el periodo crítico de arroz (Oryza sativa) en la zona de Babahoyo; la variedad de arroz SFL-11 influyó positivamente frente al ataque de malezas; las características agronómicas de altura de planta, macollos y panículas/m2, días a floración, longitud de panícula, granos por panículas y peso de 1000 granos obtuvieron resultados positivos en la variedad SFL-11 con presencia de malezas a los 30 días después del trasplante; en la longitud de raíces, biomasa fresca y seca de la parte aérea no registraron significancia estadísticas las variedades de arroz estudiadas, sin embargo se alcanzó variación en las interacciones, sobresaliendo la presencia de malezas a los 30 días después del trasplante; la biomasa fresca y seca de la raíz consiguió mayor promedio en la variedad SFL-11 con presencia de malezas a los 30 días después del trasplante y el mayor rendimiento del cultivo y beneficio neto se presentó en la variedad SFL-11 con presencia de malezas a los 30 días después del trasplante con 5161 kg/ha y ganancia económica de $483,04. Palabras claves:es_ES
dc.format.extent59 p.es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*

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