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dc.contributor.advisorMancheno Paredes, Lenin Patricio
dc.contributor.authorGarcia Candelario, Mauro Cristopher
dc.descriptionIn the development of the case study, the problem of how stress influences the social behavior of an Adolescent in confinement by Covid-19 was presented, presenting itself as a case of current social problems due to the pandemic that is going through the country and the world , focusing on the case of a young man who presents behavioral problems inside and outside his home, in addition to poor academic performance, also presents somatic symptoms and problems falling asleep from the beginning of his quarantine. By collecting information in the clinical interview and the psychometric tests applied, a diagnosis was obtained, in addition to observing other factors that are relevant to the patient's intervention process. In contrast to the results obtained, a therapeutic planning based on the cognitive-behavioral model could be carried out, which will help us to be able to modify certain cognitive distortions and in turn improve the patient's behavior.es_ES
dc.descriptionIn the development of the case study, the problem of how stress influences the social behavior of an Adolescent in confinement by Covid-19 was presented, presenting itself as a case of current social problems due to the pandemic that is going through the country and the world , focusing on the case of a young man who presents behavioral problems inside and outside his home, in addition to poor academic performance, also presents somatic symptoms and problems falling asleep from the beginning of his quarantine. By collecting information in the clinical interview and the psychometric tests applied, a diagnosis was obtained, in addition to observing other factors that are relevant to the patient's intervention process. In contrast to the results obtained, a therapeutic planning based on the cognitive-behavioral model could be carried out, which will help us to be able to modify certain cognitive distortions and in turn improve the patient's behavior.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEn el desarrollo del estudio de caso se presentó la problemática de como el estrés influye en la conducta social de un Adolescente en confinamiento por el Covid-19, presentándose como un caso de problemática social actual debido a la pandemia que atraviesa el país y el mundo, enfocándonos en el caso de un joven que presenta problemas de conducta dentro y fuera de su hogar, además de un bajo rendimiento académico, además presenta sintomatologías somáticos y problemas para conciliar el sueño a partir del inicio de la cuarentena. Mediante la recolección de información en la entrevista clínica y las pruebas psicométricas aplicadas se obtuvo un diagnóstico, además de observar otros factores que son relevantes para el proceso de intervención del paciente. En contraste con los resultados obtenidos se pudo realizar una planificación terapéutica basada en el modelo cognitivo-conductual, la cual nos servirá para poder modificar ciertas distorsiones cognitivas y a su vez mejorar la conducta del paciente.es_ES
dc.format.extent33 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2020es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectConducta sociales_ES
dc.titleEstrés y su influencia en la conducta social de un adolescente en confinamiento por covid-19es_ES

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