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dc.contributor.advisorGonzalez Valarezo, Miguel Angel
dc.contributor.authorContreras Solorzano, Joselin Adriana
dc.descriptionThe loss of a family member is a very complex situation that all individuals must face at some point in life. When a loss occurs it occurs in an emotional impact on the person generating emotions of sadness, anger, anger, loneliness, abandonment due to the grieving process they are going through, if these symptoms continue or intensify they can generate depressive problems or even anxiety. On the other hand, it can be mentioned that the attachment that exists between individuals also has to do with the impact that it produces at the time of loss, which is why the attachment theory is revealed and in turn the types of attachments that exist. The current study is about the emotional impact of the loss of a family member in an adolescent whose objective is to identify the emotional impact that the death of a loved one can cause. In the research process for the collection of information, various techniques are used and also the use of tools that are essential to obtain a specific result based on the research topic. By means of all the information collected and the applied techniques, a diagnosis is obtained that will serve to proceed to carry out the psychotherapeutic plan based on the results obtained.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe loss of a family member is a very complex situation that all individuals must face at some point in life. When a loss occurs it occurs in an emotional impact on the person generating emotions of sadness, anger, anger, loneliness, abandonment due to the grieving process they are going through, if these symptoms continue or intensify they can generate depressive problems or even anxiety. On the other hand, it can be mentioned that the attachment that exists between individuals also has to do with the impact that it produces at the time of loss, which is why the attachment theory is revealed and in turn the types of attachments that exist. The current study is about the emotional impact of the loss of a family member in an adolescent whose objective is to identify the emotional impact that the death of a loved one can cause. In the research process for the collection of information, various techniques are used and also the use of tools that are essential to obtain a specific result based on the research topic. By means of all the information collected and the applied techniques, a diagnosis is obtained that will serve to proceed to carry out the psychotherapeutic plan based on the results obtained.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa pérdida de un familiar es una situación muy compleja que todos los individuos deben en algún instante de la vida deben enfrentar. Cuando se produce una pérdida ocurre en un impacto emocional en la persona generando emociones de tristeza, ira, enojo, soledad, abandono debido al proceso de duelo que están atravesando, si estos síntomas continúan o se intensifican pueden generar problemas depresivos o incluso ansiedad. Por otra parte, se puede mencionar que el apego que existe entre los individuos también tiene que ver con el impacto que este produzca al momento de la pérdida, por lo que se da a conocer la teoría del apego y a su vez los tipos de apegos que existen. El actual estudio es sobre el impacto emocional por pérdida de un familiar en un adolescente cuyo objetivo es identificar el impacto emocional que puede provocar el fallecimiento de un ser querido. En el proceso de investigación para la recolección de información se utilizan diversas técnicas y además el uso de herramientas que son fundamentales para obtener un resultado especifico en base al tema de investigación. Por medio de toda la información recabada y las técnicas aplicadas se obtiene un diagnóstico que servirá para proceder a realizar el plan psicoterapéutico en base a los resultados obtenido.es_ES
dc.format.extent39 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2020es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectPérdida de un familiares_ES
dc.subjectImpacto emocionales_ES
dc.subjectPlan psicoterapéuticoes_ES
dc.subjectTeoría del apegoes_ES
dc.titleImpacto emocional por perdida de un familiar en un adolescente de 16 años de edades_ES

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