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dc.contributor.advisorGaibor Luna, Juan Carlos
dc.contributor.authorBurbano Monserrate, Axelle Noemy
dc.descriptionSubcutaneous emphysema is considered a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), it leads to the destruction of lung tissue and leaving air trapped within it. The problem is that this air that gradually stays inside the lungs, specifically in the alveoli, makes breathing even more difficult because they enlarge and the diaphragm flattens. This makes the inhalation and exhalation movement of moving air in and out of the lungs difficult..Some of the most relevant clinical manifestations are swelling and chest pain, swallowing problems, slight sounds when breathing, and choking. For the proper diagnosis, the clinical history and the respective complementary examinations of the patient are analyzed, imaging studies such as chest x-rays and computed tomography are made. The objective of this study is for the 50-year-old patient with subcutaneous emphysema in the chest to know the appropriate treatment.es_ES
dc.descriptionSubcutaneous emphysema is considered a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), it leads to the destruction of lung tissue and leaving air trapped within it. The problem is that this air that gradually stays inside the lungs, specifically in the alveoli, makes breathing even more difficult because they enlarge and the diaphragm flattens. This makes the inhalation and exhalation movement of moving air in and out of the lungs difficult..Some of the most relevant clinical manifestations are swelling and chest pain, swallowing problems, slight sounds when breathing, and choking. For the proper diagnosis, the clinical history and the respective complementary examinations of the patient are analyzed, imaging studies such as chest x-rays and computed tomography are made. The objective of this study is for the 50-year-old patient with subcutaneous emphysema in the chest to know the appropriate treatment.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl enfisema subcutáneo se lo considera un tipo de enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) , conlleva a la destrucción del tejido pulmonar y dejando aire atrapado dentro del mismo. El problema radica que este aire que se queda poco a poco dentro del o los pulmones, específicamente en los alvéolos, dificultan aún más la respiración porque estos se agrandan y el diafragma se aplana. Esto ocasiona que el movimiento de inhalación y exhalación al mover el aire hacia dentro y hacia fuera de los pulmones, resulte dificultoso. Unas de las manifestaciones clínicas más relevantes son hinchazón y un dolor torácico, problemas para tragar, sonidos leves al respirar y ahogo. Para el diagnóstico adecuado se analiza la historia clínica y los respectivos exámenes complementarios del paciente, se hacen estudios de imágenes como radiografías de tórax y tomografías computarizadas. El objetivo de este estudio es para que el paciente de 50 años de edad con enfisema subcutáneo en torax conozca el tratamiento adecuado.es_ES
dc.format.extent25 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2020es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectEnfisema Subcutáneoes_ES
dc.titleEnfisema subcutáneo en tórax en paciente de sexo masculino de 50 años de edad.es_ES

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