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dc.contributor.advisorMartin Estévez, Lizette
dc.contributor.authorBriones Contreras, María Del Carmen
dc.descriptionThe clinical case that follows is of a 44-year-old female patient, who is admitted by emergency, oriented in space, time, person and place, manifests chest pain, difficulty breathing, a few hours ago with her husband had a car accident, presents small visible lacerations on the face, upper and lower extremities, no fractures are shown in any limb, when taking vital signs they are within normal parameters, a nursing assessment is performed, insightful rib cage disease is identified, externalizing that he cannot ventilate due to ailment and cough, because what the diagnosis is made Nanda ineffective respiratory pattern r / c decrease in thoracic expansion, pain when breathing M / P. While waiting for the medical results of the evaluation of bloiod and radiologiccal testts, are requires the resigned, with the nursing arrangements improve your health status.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe clinical case that follows is of a 44-year-old female patient, who is admitted by emergency, oriented in space, time, person and place, manifests chest pain, difficulty breathing, a few hours ago with her husband had a car accident, presents small visible lacerations on the face, upper and lower extremities, no fractures are shown in any limb, when taking vital signs they are within normal parameters, a nursing assessment is performed, insightful rib cage disease is identified, externalizing that he cannot ventilate due to ailment and cough, because what the diagnosis is made Nanda ineffective respiratory pattern r / c decrease in thoracic expansion, pain when breathing M / P. While waiting for the medical results of the evaluation of bloiod and radiologiccal testts, are requires the resigned, with the nursing arrangements improve your health status.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl caso clínico que se desarrolla a continuación es de una paciente sexo femenino de 44 años, que ingresa por emergencia, orientada en espacio, tiempo, persona y lugar, manifiesta dolor en el tórax, dificultad para respirar, hace unas horas junto a su esposo tuvieron accidente automovilístico, presenta laceraciones pequeñas visibles en cara, extremidades superiores e inferiores no se muestra fracturas en ningún miembro, al tomar los signos vitales se encuentran dentro de los parámetros normales, se realiza la valoración de enfermería, se identifica dolencia perspicaz caja torácica, exteriorizando que no consigue ventilarse por dolencia y la tos, porque lo que se realiza el diagnostico Nanda patrón respiratorio ineficaz r/c descenso de la expansión torácica, dolor al respirar M/P. en la espera de los resultados médicos de evaluación de análisis de sangre y radiológicos se obtuvo un diagnosticado de Derrame Pleural por traumatismo, por lo que se procede a realizar la atención de enfermería con las intervención correspondientes en el control y cuidados de las necesidades que se requiera la resignada, con los dispuesto de enfermería mejora su estatus de salud.es_ES
dc.format.extent29 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2020es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectDerrame Pleurales_ES
dc.subjectHipertension Arteriales_ES
dc.titleProceso de atención de enfermería en paciente de 44 años, con derrame pleural.es_ES

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