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dc.contributor.advisorSellan Icaza, Víctor Manuel
dc.contributor.authorBaque Parrales, Emily Denisse
dc.descriptionThe present work is a contribution to the field of health where it seeks to demonstrate the theoretical-practical knowledge acquired through the nursing care process, to act efficiently in the implementation of the care necessary to limit the present damage, in In the following clinical case, we have a 2-year-old female patient who comes to the health center for check-ups to assess her current state of health regarding her childhood cerebral palsy. This disorder is an irreversible disability, caused by the poor development or injury of certain areas of the brain that limits the motor skills and communication of those who suffer from it caused by multiple factors depending on the degree of involvement and extent of injury to the brain in which the signs and symptoms may appear before two years of life, it can be generated during pregnancy, occasionally during labor or immediately after birth, according to the stage in which the damage has occurred; they can be prenatal, perinatal or postnatal, in where it constitutes a problem of the first magnitude due to the disability it associates, chronicity and the medical and educational implications.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present work is a contribution to the field of health where it seeks to demonstrate the theoretical-practical knowledge acquired through the nursing care process, to act efficiently in the implementation of the care necessary to limit the present damage, in In the following clinical case, we have a 2-year-old female patient who comes to the health center for check-ups to assess her current state of health regarding her childhood cerebral palsy. This disorder is an irreversible disability, caused by the poor development or injury of certain areas of the brain that limits the motor skills and communication of those who suffer from it caused by multiple factors depending on the degree of involvement and extent of injury to the brain in which the signs and symptoms may appear before two years of life, it can be generated during pregnancy, occasionally during labor or immediately after birth, according to the stage in which the damage has occurred; they can be prenatal, perinatal or postnatal, in where it constitutes a problem of the first magnitude due to the disability it associates, chronicity and the medical and educational implications.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente trabajo es un aporte para el ámbito de la salud en donde se busca demostrar el conocimiento adquirido teórico-práctico a través del Proceso de Atención de Enfermería, para actuar con eficiencia en la implementación de los cuidados necesarios para limitar el daño presente, en el siguiente caso clínico presentamos una paciente de sexo femenino de 2 años de edad que acude al centro de salud por controles para evaluar su estado actual de salud, con respecto a su parálisis cerebral infantil. Este trastorno es una discapacidad irreversible, provocada por el mal desarrollo o lesión de ciertas zonas del cerebro que limita la motricidad y comunicación de quienes la padecen causada por múltiples factores dependiendo del grado de afectación y extensión de la lesión en el cerebro en el cual los signos y síntomas pueden aparecer antes de los dos años de vida, puede ser generada durante el embarazo, ocasionalmente durante el parto o inmediatamente después del nacimiento de acuerdo a la etapa en la que ha ocurrido el daño pueden ser prenatales , perinatales o posnatales, en donde constituye un problema de primera magnitud por la discapacidad que asocia, la cronicidad y las implicaciones médicas y educativas.es_ES
dc.format.extent45 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2020es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleProceso de atención de enfermería en paciente de 2 años de edad con parálisis cerebral infantil.es_ES

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