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dc.contributor.advisorRobledo Galeas, Sany Sofia
dc.contributor.authorRezabala Farfan, Alan José
dc.contributor.authorTocto Tapia, Jamil Antonio
dc.descriptionRespiratory physiotherapy helps reduce bronchial obstruction and is a complementary treatment to conventional methods, prevents excessive medication and days of hospitalization in children with bronchitis, as the objective determines the effectiveness of respiratory physiotherapy in the treatment of children with bronchitis of the pediatric area of the Rodríguez Zambrano General Hospital, Manta - Manabí, period October 2019 - March 2020. Its methodology: It was of a qualitative-quantitative type of cross-section, the study population was selected from the clinical histories of children with Pediatric area bronchitis of the Genera Rodríguez Zambrano Hospital is controlled with children between the ages of 2 and 5, 60 children are selected, surveys of parents are carried out with informed consent. It was evidenced that the patients were diagnosed with acute bronchitis, at ages 3 and 4 years with (33%), predominantly female sex (63%), the diagnosis time of the disease has been 1 to 6 months with the 64%, (58%) of parents are unaware of the types of physiotherapy techniques, 60% have not found improvement in their children, then the application of respiratory physiotherapy techniques, 58% indicate that the procedures are inadequate. It is concluded that it is necessary to strengthen the procedures of respiratory physiotherapy to verify its effectiveness through the guide of respiratory techniques and exercises, an essential adjunctive tool for the integral treatment of bronchitis.es_ES
dc.descriptionRespiratory physiotherapy helps reduce bronchial obstruction and is a complementary treatment to conventional methods, prevents excessive medication and days of hospitalization in children with bronchitis, as the objective determines the effectiveness of respiratory physiotherapy in the treatment of children with bronchitis of the pediatric area of the Rodríguez Zambrano General Hospital, Manta - Manabí, period October 2019 - March 2020. Its methodology: It was of a qualitative-quantitative type of cross-section, the study population was selected from the clinical histories of children with Pediatric area bronchitis of the Genera Rodríguez Zambrano Hospital is controlled with children between the ages of 2 and 5, 60 children are selected, surveys of parents are carried out with informed consent. It was evidenced that the patients were diagnosed with acute bronchitis, at ages 3 and 4 years with (33%), predominantly female sex (63%), the diagnosis time of the disease has been 1 to 6 months with the 64%, (58%) of parents are unaware of the types of physiotherapy techniques, 60% have not found improvement in their children, then the application of respiratory physiotherapy techniques, 58% indicate that the procedures are inadequate. It is concluded that it is necessary to strengthen the procedures of respiratory physiotherapy to verify its effectiveness through the guide of respiratory techniques and exercises, an essential adjunctive tool for the integral treatment of bronchitis.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa fisioterapia respiratoria ayuda a reducir la obstrucción bronquial y es un tratamiento complementario a los métodos convencionales, evita la toma excesiva de medicación y disminuye los días de hospitalización en niños con bronquitis, tuvo como objetivo determinar la eficacia de la fisioterapia respiratoria en el tratamiento de niños con bronquitis del área de pediatría del Hospital General Rodríguez Zambrano, Manta – Manabí, periodo Octubre 2019 – Marzo 2020. Su metodología: Fue de tipo cuali-cuantitativa de corte trasversal, se seleccionó la población de estudio entre las historias clínicas de los niños con bronquitis del área de pediatría del Hospital Genera Rodríguez Zambrano se trabajó con niños en edades de 2 a 5 años, se seleccionaron 60 niños, se realizó la encuestas a padres de familia bajo consentimiento informado. Se evidenció que los pacientes fueron diagnosticados con bronquitis aguda, en edades de 3 y 4 años con el (33%), predomino el sexo femenino (63%), el tiempo de diagnóstico de la enfermedad ha sido de 1 a 6 meses con el 64%, el (58%) de los padres desconocen de los tipos de técnicas de fisioterapia, el 60% no han encontrado mejoría en sus hijos, luego de la aplicación de técnicas de fisioterapia respiratoria, el 58% indicaron que los procedimientos son inadecuados. Se concluye que es necesario fortalecer los procedimientos de fisioterapia respiratoria para comprobar su eficacia mediante la guía de técnicas y ejercicios respiratorios, herramienta coadyuvante fundamental para el tratamiento integral de la bronquitis.es_ES
dc.format.extent96 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2020es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectBronquitis Agudaes_ES
dc.subjectFisioterapia respiratoriaes_ES
dc.titleEficacia de la fisioterapia respiratoria en la bronquitis en niños del área de pediatría del Hospital General Rodríguez Zambrano, Manta – Manabí, periodo octubre 2019 – marzo 2020.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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