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dc.contributor.advisorÁlvarez Macías, Blanca Cecilia
dc.contributor.authorSanta Cruz Martínez, Daysi Elizabeth
dc.contributor.authorVera Rosel, Pedro Emiliano
dc.descriptionThe research done to the students of Fifth and Sixth year of basic education of the “Yaguachi” School in the “Poco a Poco” Campus is about food and its relationship in the development of academic activities of schoolchildren, since the behavior Inappropriate eating conditions the normal development of the activities that the student performs during the academic day, for this reason, the objective of the research is to determine the influence of eating habits on the student's school performance in the educational institution. The methodology that makes up the research process has a qualitative and quantitative approach, where deductive and inductive methods are used, since they allow the segregation of each of the findings found during the study, the type of descriptive research is also applied, because it allows the treatment of all the data reached for the elaboration of general conclusions about the variables under analysis; It is important to state that in order to obtain the information that supports the present research project, the techniques of direct observation and survey were applied, with the objective of determining the student's eating behavior and performance within the classroom, which has allowed establish that eating habits are inadequate, because there is excessive consumption of processed foods, fast foods and artificial juices, that influences their physiological development and performance of daily activities.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe research done to the students of Fifth and Sixth year of basic education of the “Yaguachi” School in the “Poco a Poco” Campus is about food and its relationship in the development of academic activities of schoolchildren, since the behavior Inappropriate eating conditions the normal development of the activities that the student performs during the academic day, for this reason, the objective of the research is to determine the influence of eating habits on the student's school performance in the educational institution. The methodology that makes up the research process has a qualitative and quantitative approach, where deductive and inductive methods are used, since they allow the segregation of each of the findings found during the study, the type of descriptive research is also applied, because it allows the treatment of all the data reached for the elaboration of general conclusions about the variables under analysis; It is important to state that in order to obtain the information that supports the present research project, the techniques of direct observation and survey were applied, with the objective of determining the student's eating behavior and performance within the classroom, which has allowed establish that eating habits are inadequate, because there is excessive consumption of processed foods, fast foods and artificial juices, that influences their physiological development and performance of daily activities.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa investigación realizada a los estudiantes de Quinto y Sexto año de educación básica de la Escuela “Yaguachi” en el Recinto “Poco a Poco” trata sobre la alimentación y su relación en el desarrollo de las actividades académicas de los escolares, puesto que el comportamiento alimentario inapropiado condiciona el desarrollo normal de las actividades que ejecuta el estudiante durante la jornada académica, por tal razón, el objetivo de la investigación consiste en determinar la influencia de los hábitos alimenticios en el rendimiento escolar del alumnado en la institución educativa. La metodología que conforma el proceso investigativo tiene un enfoque cualitativo y cuantitativo, donde se emplean los métodos deductivo e inductivo, puesto que permiten la segregación de cada uno de los hallazgos encontrados durante el estudio realizado, además se aplica el tipo de investigación descriptiva, porque permite el tratamiento de todos los datos alcanzados para la elaboración de conclusiones generales sobre las variables objeto de análisis; es importante manifestar que para la obtención de la información que sustente el presente proyecto de investigación se aplicaron las técnicas de observación directa y encuesta, con el objetivo de determinar la conducta alimentaria del estudiante y su desempeño dentro del salón de clases, lo cual ha permitido establecer que los hábitos alimenticios son inadecuados, porque existe el consumo excesivo de alimentos procesados, comidas rápidas y jugos artificiales, aquello influye en su desarrollo fisiológico y realización de las actividades diarias.es_ES
dc.format.extent118 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2020es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectHábitos alimenticioses_ES
dc.subjectRendimiento académicoes_ES
dc.titleInfluencia de los hábitos alimenticios en el rendimiento escolar en los alumnos de quinto y sexto de básica de la Escuela "Yaguachi" del Recinto Poco a Poco, Cantón Jujan, Provincia del Guayas periodo octubre 2019- marzo 2020.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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