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dc.contributor.advisorAcosta Gaibor, Mónica
dc.contributor.authorFuentes Morejon, Daleska Stephania
dc.contributor.authorGuambo Aimara, Marilin Daniela
dc.descriptionThe present study entitled “Environmental Factors that influence Nursing Work Performance in the Surgical Clinical Area of the FF Specialty Hospital. AA Nº1 Quito, October 2019-March 2020 “allowed to determine what elements such as lighting, ventilation, sudden changes in temperature, exposure to chemical substances, among other environmental factors affect the health of nursing staff and consequently in the results achieved in the Evaluation of its performance by the Ministry of Labor Relations. To collect objective information, a comprehensive review of bibliographic sources was carried out, then surveys and checklists were applied to nurses and patients that allowed determining that a percentage of 23% of servers have scores between 68% and 79% in their evaluation Annual performance, as well as 63% of nursing staff went to the Occupational Health Service referring stress and low back illnesses arising from their work. Regarding the results of the field investigation, which refer to environmental factors, it was established that 87% of nurses consider that there are difficulties in the ventilation system, 73% consider that the lighting system is inadequate, 83% point out that there is poor organization of the job, 93% stress that there are sudden changes in temperature, etc., based on these results, the research proposes the strengthening of the Occupational Health System, in order to prevent diseases and improve the Nursing staff work performance.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present study entitled “Environmental Factors that influence Nursing Work Performance in the Surgical Clinical Area of the FF Specialty Hospital. AA Nº1 Quito, October 2019-March 2020 “allowed to determine what elements such as lighting, ventilation, sudden changes in temperature, exposure to chemical substances, among other environmental factors affect the health of nursing staff and consequently in the results achieved in the Evaluation of its performance by the Ministry of Labor Relations. To collect objective information, a comprehensive review of bibliographic sources was carried out, then surveys and checklists were applied to nurses and patients that allowed determining that a percentage of 23% of servers have scores between 68% and 79% in their evaluation Annual performance, as well as 63% of nursing staff went to the Occupational Health Service referring stress and low back illnesses arising from their work. Regarding the results of the field investigation, which refer to environmental factors, it was established that 87% of nurses consider that there are difficulties in the ventilation system, 73% consider that the lighting system is inadequate, 83% point out that there is poor organization of the job, 93% stress that there are sudden changes in temperature, etc., based on these results, the research proposes the strengthening of the Occupational Health System, in order to prevent diseases and improve the Nursing staff work performance.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente estudio titulado “Factores Ambientales que influyen en el Rendimiento Laboral de Enfermería en el Área Clínico Quirúrgico del Hospital de Especialidades FF. AA Nº1 Quito, octubre 2019-marzo 2020 “permitió determinar qué elementos como la iluminación ,ventilación cambios bruscos de temperatura, exposición a sustancias químicas , entre otros factores ambientales inciden en la salud del personal de enfermería y consecuentemente en los resultados que alcanzan en la evaluación de su desempeño realizado por el Ministerio de relaciones Laborales. Para recabar información objetiva, se realizó una amplia revisión de fuentes bibliográficas, posteriormente se aplicaron encuestas y listas de verificación al personal de enfermería y pacientes que permitieron determinar que un porcentaje del 23% de servidores presentan puntajes entre 68% y 79% en su evaluación anual del desempeño, así mismo el 63% del personal de enfermería acudió al Servicio de Salud Ocupacional refiriendo enfermedades de estrés y lumbalgia derivadas de su trabajo. En cuanto a los resultados de la investigación de campo, que hacen referencia a los factores ambientales, se estableció que el 87% del personal de enfermería considera que existen dificultades en el sistema de ventilación , 73% estima que el sistema de iluminación es inadecuado , 83% señala que existe mala organización del puesto de trabajo, 93% destaca que existen cambios bruscos de temperatura, etc., con base a estos resultados la investigación propone el fortalecimiento del Sistema de salud Ocupacional, con la finalidad de prevenir enfermedades y mejorar el rendimiento laboral del personal de Enfermería.es_ES
dc.format.extent111 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2020es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectFactores ambientaleses_ES
dc.subjectRendimiento laborales_ES
dc.subjectEvaluación del desempeñoes_ES
dc.subjectSalud ocupacionales_ES
dc.titleFactores ambientales que influyen en el rendimiento laboral de enfermería en el Área Clínico Quirúrgico del Hospital de Especialidades FF. AA Nº1 Quito, octubre 2019-marzo 2020.es_ES

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