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dc.contributor.advisorBedoya Vásquez, Rosa Mercedes
dc.contributor.authorMartínez Arcos, Danny Gabriel
dc.contributor.authorTrejo Meléndez, Rodolfo León
dc.descriptionThe research carried out in the Playas Health Center of the Beaches canton on arterial hypertension grade I and II has allowed us to determine that the main causes that cause the disease are modifiable risk factors such as food, alcoholism, smoking, sedentary lifestyle and obesity, In addition, nursing actions are not adequate, because patients state that they do not receive timely information about hypertension, which is why the objective of the research is to analyze the relationship between the nursing role and the level of knowledge that patients with hypertension grade I and II of the Playas Health Center possess. The methodology applied is made up of the inductive and scientific methods, because each of the research findings related to nursing actions and the hypertension problem of the people analyzed are analyzed, in addition, the types of field research are used, descriptive and transversal, since the main variables of the research process are studied in a given period, where information is obtained from direct sources such as people with hypertension problems, data that are described in an organized way for the elaboration of general conclusions on the topic; the technique used in the survey to determine the main problems in the prevention and treatment of the disease. The results obtained reflect that the only nursing care in the Playas Health Center is hospitalization, which evidences that continuous training days are not used to prevent hypertension grade I and II, it is also concluded that the teaching role of Health professionals have not been able to execute efficiently since the people attending the institution do not have adequate information on predisposing factors and adequate self-care actions to improve their health status.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe research carried out in the Playas Health Center of the Beaches canton on arterial hypertension grade I and II has allowed us to determine that the main causes that cause the disease are modifiable risk factors such as food, alcoholism, smoking, sedentary lifestyle and obesity, In addition, nursing actions are not adequate, because patients state that they do not receive timely information about hypertension, which is why the objective of the research is to analyze the relationship between the nursing role and the level of knowledge that patients with hypertension grade I and II of the Playas Health Center possess. The methodology applied is made up of the inductive and scientific methods, because each of the research findings related to nursing actions and the hypertension problem of the people analyzed are analyzed, in addition, the types of field research are used, descriptive and transversal, since the main variables of the research process are studied in a given period, where information is obtained from direct sources such as people with hypertension problems, data that are described in an organized way for the elaboration of general conclusions on the topic; the technique used in the survey to determine the main problems in the prevention and treatment of the disease. The results obtained reflect that the only nursing care in the Playas Health Center is hospitalization, which evidences that continuous training days are not used to prevent hypertension grade I and II, it is also concluded that the teaching role of Health professionals have not been able to execute efficiently since the people attending the institution do not have adequate information on predisposing factors and adequate self-care actions to improve their health status.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa investigación realizada en el Centro de Salud Playas del cantón Playas sobre la hipertensión arterial grado I y II ha permitido determinar que los principales causas que provocan la enfermedad, son los factores de riesgos modificables como la alimentación, alcoholismo, tabaquismo, sedentarismo y obesidad, además, las acciones de enfermería no son las adecuadas, debido a que los pacientes manifiestan que no reciben información oportuna sobre la hipertensión, motivo por el cual, el objetivo de la investigación, consiste en analizar la relación que existen entre el rol de enfermería y el nivel de conocimiento que poseen los pacientes con hipertensión grado I y II del Centro de Salud Playas. La metodología aplicada está conformada por los métodos inductivo y científico, debido a que se analizan cada uno de los hallazgos investigativos relacionados con las acciones de enfermería y los problema de hipertensión de las personas analizadas, además, se emplean los tipos de investigación de campo, descriptiva y transversal, puesto que se estudia las principales variables del proceso investigativo en un periodo determinado, donde se obtiene información de fuentes directas como son las personas con problemas de hipertensión, datos que se describen de forma organizada para la elaboración de conclusiones generales sobre el tema; la técnica utilizada en la encuesta para la determinación de los principales inconvenientes en la prevención y tratamiento de la enfermedad. Los resultados obtenidos reflejan que los únicos cuidados de enfermería en el Centro de Salud Playas son de hospitalización, lo cual evidencia que no se emplean jornadas de capacitación continua para prevención de la hipertensión arterial grado I y II, además se concluye que el rol docente de los profesionales de salud no ha podido ejecutarse de forma eficiente puesto que las personas que asisten a la institución no cuenta con información adecuada sobre factores predisponentes y adecuadas acciones de autocuidado para mejorar su estado de salud.es_ES
dc.format.extent112 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2020es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleCuidados de enfermería en el tratamiento de pacientes adultos con hipertensión grado 1 y 2 que asisten regularmente al Centro de Salud Playas, Cantón Playas periodo octubre 2019- marzo 2020.es_ES

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