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dc.contributor.advisorCamino Bravo, Ivonne Aracelly
dc.contributor.authorGarcía García, Ruth Estefanía
dc.contributor.authorPeña Robles, Gabriela Estefanía
dc.descriptionThe present investigation was carried out in the general hospital Alfredo Noboa Montenegro of the canton Guaranda, which is a public institution dedicated to provide health services to the general population 24 hours a day. The main objective of this research was to analyze the relationship between self-care practices and the prevention of complications in patients with type II diabetes mellitus, since if the correct care is not carried out in people suffering from this disease the complications could be high risk to cause the death of individuals. For research purposes, the research methodology based on the qualitative-quantitative approaches was used, since the necessary numerical characteristics and data of the analyzed variables were obtained, in the same way the types of field, descriptive and transversal research were applied, which served of help to direct and describe the information obtained through the execution of the techniques and instruments of data collection in the exposed subject and at the same time to define the time of the investigation carried out. The research results showed that the level of knowledge of patients in the prevention of this terrible disease is low, it was also detected that the eating habits they have are not healthy, because of 100% of the people studied, 41% consume sugars, 39% saturated fats and only 20% maintain a balanced diet, in addition the consumption of tobacco and alcohol are causing individuals to acquire this condition. In conclusion, type II diabetes mellitus is a risky disease, for which reason it is necessary to establish training programs on the importance of self-care practices to prevent complications of diabetes.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present investigation was carried out in the general hospital Alfredo Noboa Montenegro of the canton Guaranda, which is a public institution dedicated to provide health services to the general population 24 hours a day. The main objective of this research was to analyze the relationship between self-care practices and the prevention of complications in patients with type II diabetes mellitus, since if the correct care is not carried out in people suffering from this disease the complications could be high risk to cause the death of individuals. For research purposes, the research methodology based on the qualitative-quantitative approaches was used, since the necessary numerical characteristics and data of the analyzed variables were obtained, in the same way the types of field, descriptive and transversal research were applied, which served of help to direct and describe the information obtained through the execution of the techniques and instruments of data collection in the exposed subject and at the same time to define the time of the investigation carried out. The research results showed that the level of knowledge of patients in the prevention of this terrible disease is low, it was also detected that the eating habits they have are not healthy, because of 100% of the people studied, 41% consume sugars, 39% saturated fats and only 20% maintain a balanced diet, in addition the consumption of tobacco and alcohol are causing individuals to acquire this condition. In conclusion, type II diabetes mellitus is a risky disease, for which reason it is necessary to establish training programs on the importance of self-care practices to prevent complications of diabetes.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa investigación se realizó en el hospital general Alfredo Noboa Montenegro del cantón Guaranda, que es una institución pública dedicada a brindar servicios de salud a la población en general las 24 horas del día. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo fundamental analizar la relación que existe entre las prácticas de autocuidado y la prevención de complicaciones en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo II, puesto que si no se efectúa el cuidado correcto en las personas que padecen de esta enfermedad, las complicaciones podrían ser de alto riesgo hasta causar la muerte de los individuos. Para efecto investigativo se utilizó la metodología de investigación basada en el enfoque cuali-cuantitativo, puesto que se obtuvieron características y datos numéricos necesarios de las variables analizadas, del mismo modo se aplicaron los tipos de investigación de campo, descriptiva y transversal, las cuales sirvieron de ayuda para direccionar y describir la información obtenida mediante la ejecución de las técnicas e instrumentos de recolección de datos en la temática expuesta y a la vez delimitar el tiempo de la investigación realizada. Los resultados de investigación arrojaron que el nivel de conocimiento de los pacientes en la prevención de esta terrible enfermedad es bajo, asimismo se detectó que los hábitos alimenticios que poseen no son saludables, pues del 100% de las personas estudiadas el 41% consume azúcares, el 39% grasas saturadas y tan solo el 20% mantiene una dieta balanceada, además el consumo de tabaco y alcohol conlleva a los individuos adquirir este padecimiento. En conclusión, la diabetes mellitus tipo II es una enfermedad riesgosa, por tal razón es necesario establecer programas de capacitación sobre la importancia de las prácticas de autocuidado para prevenir complicaciones de la diabetes.es_ES
dc.format.extent107 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2020es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectDiabetes mellitus tipo IIes_ES
dc.subjectPrácticas de autocuidadoes_ES
dc.subjectMedidas de prevenciónes_ES
dc.subjectAcciones de enfermeríaes_ES
dc.titlePrácticas de autocuidado y su relación con la prevención de complicaciones en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 del Hospital General Alfredo Noboa Montenegro del Cantón Guaranda periodo octubre 2019 – marzo 2020es_ES

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