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dc.contributor.advisorHurtado Astudillo, Janeth
dc.contributor.authorCruz Camacho, Alicia Solange
dc.contributor.authorDe Lucca Garcia, Sandra Fabiola
dc.descriptionIntroduction. Central peripheral insertion catheterization is a device used in neonates who are in critical condition which require venous access, and that is why trained nurses need to implant a central peripheral insertion catheter (PICC) for administration of medications, solutions and parenteral nutrition. Overall objective. Identify nursing care in preterm infants with peripheral central catheterization in the area of neonatology at the Armed Forces Specialties Hospital No. 1 period October 2019 - February 2020. Methodology. In the present investigation the deductive method was used; quantitative research modality; type of basic, bibliographic, field, descriptive and cross-sectional research, the technique used was a survey and as an instrument questionnaire was conducted. Results. The following results were obtained, out of a total of 30 nursing graduates, all 30 agreed to participate in the research technique, where mostly satisfactory data was obtained. Conclusions. Nurses who work in the area of neonatology should not have only basic or routine knowledge. They should be guided with professional criteria to care for premature babies and to know all aspects related to the use of the PICC, in order to use the measures of prevention, control and detection of fatal complications that threaten the recovery of prematurity.es_ES
dc.descriptionIntroduction. Central peripheral insertion catheterization is a device used in neonates who are in critical condition which require venous access, and that is why trained nurses need to implant a central peripheral insertion catheter (PICC) for administration of medications, solutions and parenteral nutrition. Overall objective. Identify nursing care in preterm infants with peripheral central catheterization in the area of neonatology at the Armed Forces Specialties Hospital No. 1 period October 2019 - February 2020. Methodology. In the present investigation the deductive method was used; quantitative research modality; type of basic, bibliographic, field, descriptive and cross-sectional research, the technique used was a survey and as an instrument questionnaire was conducted. Results. The following results were obtained, out of a total of 30 nursing graduates, all 30 agreed to participate in the research technique, where mostly satisfactory data was obtained. Conclusions. Nurses who work in the area of neonatology should not have only basic or routine knowledge. They should be guided with professional criteria to care for premature babies and to know all aspects related to the use of the PICC, in order to use the measures of prevention, control and detection of fatal complications that threaten the recovery of prematurity.es_ES
dc.description.abstractIntroducción. El cateterismo central de inserción periférica es un dispositivo utilizado en neonatos que se encuentran en estado crítico el cual requieren de un acceso venoso, y es por aquello que el personal de enfermería capacitado requiere implantar un catéter central de inserción periférica (CCIP) para la administración de medicamentos, soluciones y nutrición parenteral. Objetivo general. Identificar los cuidados de enfermería en los prematuros con cateterismo central de inserción periférica en el área de neonatología en el Hospital de Especialidades Fuerzas Armadas Nº1 periodo octubre 2019 – febrero 2020. Metodología. En la presente investigación se utilizó el método deductivo; modalidad de investigación cuantitativa; tipo de investigación básica, bibliográfica, de campo, descriptiva y con una dimensión transversal la técnica que se empleó fue encuesta y como instrumento se realizó cuestionario de preguntas. Resultados. Se llegó a obtener los siguientes resultados, del total de 30 licenciadas en enfermería, los 30 aceptaron participar en la técnica de investigación, donde se obtuvo datos en su mayoría satisfactorios. Conclusiones. El personal de enfermería que labora en el área de neonatología no debe tener solo conocimiento de forma básica o de rutina. Deben orientarse con criterio como profesional al cuidado de los prematuros y conocer todos los aspectos relativos al uso del PICC, a fin de utilizar las medidas de prevención, control y detección de complicaciones fatales que amenazan la recuperación del prematuro.es_ES
dc.format.extent89 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2020es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectCuidados de enfermeríaes_ES
dc.subjectCateterismo central de inserción periféricaes_ES
dc.titleCuidados de enfermería en prematuros con cateterismo central de inserción periférica en el área de neonatología en el Hospital de Especialidades Fuerzas Armadas Nº1 periodo octubre 2019 – febrero 2020.es_ES

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