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dc.contributor.advisorEnriquez Cuadro, Alicia Corina
dc.contributor.authorSellan Troya, Xiomara Kerly
dc.descriptionThe present case study was carried out within the Autonomous Municipal Government of the canton of San Francisco de Puebloviejo. It is based on studying how secretaries can contribute to the organization of digital archives within an office. The role of the secretary has become a fundamental aspect in every type of organization, since it has an important influence on the performance of activities in the correct way. Currently her knowledge has gone from managing the agendas and personal affairs of her bosses to knowing how to resolve conflicts; the secretary must have the basic wisdom the organization needs, as well as personal qualities, however, it is in these scenarios that the training of professionals in the learned ways of organizing digital archives during academic instruction is put to the test. This technique will effectively facilitate the organization of digital archives for some public servants of this institution, since on many occasions there have been complaints from citizens regarding the loss of documents by secretaries which makes it deficient, work failures, which shows that there are shortcomings in the effectiveness of archiving documents.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present case study was carried out within the Autonomous Municipal Government of the canton of San Francisco de Puebloviejo. It is based on studying how secretaries can contribute to the organization of digital archives within an office. The role of the secretary has become a fundamental aspect in every type of organization, since it has an important influence on the performance of activities in the correct way. Currently her knowledge has gone from managing the agendas and personal affairs of her bosses to knowing how to resolve conflicts; the secretary must have the basic wisdom the organization needs, as well as personal qualities, however, it is in these scenarios that the training of professionals in the learned ways of organizing digital archives during academic instruction is put to the test. This technique will effectively facilitate the organization of digital archives for some public servants of this institution, since on many occasions there have been complaints from citizens regarding the loss of documents by secretaries which makes it deficient, work failures, which shows that there are shortcomings in the effectiveness of archiving documents.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente estudio de caso se realizó dentro del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Municipal del cantón San Francisco de Puebloviejo. El cual se basa en estudiar como las secretarias pueden aportar a la organización de los archivos digitales dentro de una oficina. El rol de la secretaria se ha convertido en un aspecto fundamental en todo tipo de organización, puesto que tiene una importante influencia en el desempeño de las actividades de forma correcta. En la actualidad sus conocimientos han pasado del manejo de las agendas y asuntos personales de sus jefes al saber cómo solucionar conflictos; la secretaria debe tener la sabiduría básica que la organización necesite, como también cualidades personales, sin embargo, en estos escenarios es donde se pone a prueba la formación de los profesionales en cuanto a los manejos aprendidos de organizar archivos digital durante la instrucción académica. Esta técnica facilitara de manera eficaz organizar los archivos digitales para algunos servidores públicos de esta institución, puesto que en múltiples ocasiones ha existido quejas de los ciudadanos respecto a las pérdidas de documentos por parte de las secretarias lo cual hace que sea deficiente, incumplimientos de trabajo, lo que pone en evidencia que existen falencias en cuanto a la efectividad de archivar documentos.es_ES
dc.format.extent42 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB, 2020es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectArchivos digitaleses_ES
dc.titleEl rol de la secretaria y su aporte en la organización de archivos digitales del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Municipal del cantón San Francisco de Puebloviejoes_ES

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