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dc.contributor.advisorSalazar Sanchez, Maria Elena
dc.contributor.authorGavilanez Campbell, Karen Jamilet
dc.descriptionThe present case study is aimed at determining professional deontology and its influence on the administrative competencies of the secretaries of the Administrative Directorate of the Technical University of Babahoyo. The study was carried out through descriptive research, which allowed identifying the characteristics of the variables and how to get to know the principles and rules of ethics that regulate and govern a professional activity. In the same way, it was applied as an instrument to the interview, conducted to 3 officials of the Administrative Directorate of the Technical University of Babahoyo to know how often the deontological codes are applied in the workplace. On the other hand, at present, the professions have made their own codes and, in this sense, can speak of a professional deontology. In the same way these rules are those that can be determined by the department of a company itself and the modifications in an obligation and commitment so it has a coercive projection within the administrative competences, these determine the level of responsibility, participation, leadership in decision-making for the benefit of the entity and it allows reliability among all the officials of said institution.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present case study is aimed at determining professional deontology and its influence on the administrative competencies of the secretaries of the Administrative Directorate of the Technical University of Babahoyo. The study was carried out through descriptive research, which allowed identifying the characteristics of the variables and how to get to know the principles and rules of ethics that regulate and govern a professional activity. In the same way, it was applied as an instrument to the interview, conducted to 3 officials of the Administrative Directorate of the Technical University of Babahoyo to know how often the deontological codes are applied in the workplace. On the other hand, at present, the professions have made their own codes and, in this sense, can speak of a professional deontology. In the same way these rules are those that can be determined by the department of a company itself and the modifications in an obligation and commitment so it has a coercive projection within the administrative competences, these determine the level of responsibility, participation, leadership in decision-making for the benefit of the entity and it allows reliability among all the officials of said institution.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente estudio de caso está orientado a determinar la deontología profesional y su influencia en las competencias administrativas de las secretarias de la Dirección Administrativa de la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo. El estudio se realizó mediante la investigación descriptiva el cual permitió identificar las características de las variables a indagar, de esta manera llegar a conocer los principios y reglas de ética que regula y rige una actividad profesional. De la misma manera se aplicó como instrumento a la entrevista, realizada a 3 funcionarios de la Dirección Administrativa de la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo para conocer con qué frecuencia se aplican los códigos deontológicos en el ámbito laboral. Por otro lado, en la actualidad prácticamente toda las profesiones han realizado sus propios códigos y, en este sentido, puede hablarse de una deontología profesional. De la misma manera estas normas son aquellas que suelen ser determinadas por el propio departamento de una empresa y las convierten en una obligación y compromiso por lo que tiene una proyección coercitiva dentro de las competencias administrativas, estas determinan el nivel de responsabilidad, participación, liderazgo en las tomas de decisiones para beneficio de la entidad y esto permite confiabilidad entre todos los funcionarios de dicha institución.es_ES
dc.format.extent42 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB, 2020es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectDeontología profesionales_ES
dc.subjectCompetencias administrativases_ES
dc.subjectCódigos deontológicoses_ES
dc.titleDeontología profesional y su influencia en las competencias administrativas de las secretariases_ES

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