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dc.contributor.advisorZumba Vera, Ingrid
dc.contributor.authorQuiñonez Ronquillo, Genaro Alexander
dc.descriptionThe current clinical case focuses on the study and analysis of a patient who has symptoms of dysthymic disorder and how it affects peer relationships, low self-esteem and loss of interest in some significant areas of his life, where characteristics could be found, as negative emotions and recurrent depression due to the problems that are causing it, but through rational emotional therapy you can reduce your symptoms and improve the quality of life. This process is carried out by means of instruments such as observation, clinical history and psychometric test which were used to obtain data that indicate the symptoms they present for the diagnosis of dysthymic disorder and the incidence it has on the relationship of peers, After obtaining as a result a high level of incidence, the Behavioral Emotional Rational Technique could be applied in order to improve their relationship with peers and reduce depressive symptoms, for a better response to this treatment, despite the fact that their symptoms have been present for a long time. About six months.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe current clinical case focuses on the study and analysis of a patient who has symptoms of dysthymic disorder and how it affects peer relationships, low self-esteem and loss of interest in some significant areas of his life, where characteristics could be found, as negative emotions and recurrent depression due to the problems that are causing it, but through rational emotional therapy you can reduce your symptoms and improve the quality of life. This process is carried out by means of instruments such as observation, clinical history and psychometric test which were used to obtain data that indicate the symptoms they present for the diagnosis of dysthymic disorder and the incidence it has on the relationship of peers, After obtaining as a result a high level of incidence, the Behavioral Emotional Rational Technique could be applied in order to improve their relationship with peers and reduce depressive symptoms, for a better response to this treatment, despite the fact that their symptoms have been present for a long time. About six months.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl actual caso clínico se enfoca en el estudio y análisis de un paciente que presenta síntomas del trastorno distímico y como incide en las relaciones de los pares, baja autoestima y pérdida del interés en algunas aéreas significativas en su vida, donde se pudo encontrar características, como emociones negativas y depresión recurrente por los problemas que le están suscitando, pero por medio de la terapia racional emotiva se puede disminuir sus síntomas y conseguir mejorar la calidad de vida. Este proceso se lo efectúa por medio de los instrumentos como la observación, historia clínica y test psicométrico los cuales se utilizaron para obtener datos que nos indican los síntomas que presentan para el diagnóstico del trastorno distímico y la incidencia que tiene en la relación de pares, luego de obtener como resultado un alto nivel de incidencia, en donde se pudo aplicar la Técnica Racional Emotiva Conductual con el fin de mejorar su relación con los pares y disminuir síntomas depresivos, pese a que sus síntomas están presente desde hace seis meses aproximadamente.es_ES
dc.format.extent35 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB, 2020es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectPrivado de la libertades_ES
dc.titleTrastorno distímico de una persona privada de libertad y su incidencia en las relaciones con sus pareses_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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