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dc.contributor.advisorPiza Burgos, Narcisa Dolores
dc.contributor.authorQuinto Suarez, Adonis Javier
dc.descriptionIn this case study, the problem that is evident is the difficulty of being able to read fluently and without errors, problems in understanding reading, spelling and writing, which could lead to low academic performance. Dyslexia in adolescents influences relationships with their peers due to rejection, teasing and discrimination by their peers. Through techniques such as the interview, the medical history, the observation sheets and the psychological tests, a therapeutic scheme can be established based on the cognitive behavioral approach.es_ES
dc.descriptionIn this case study, the problem that is evident is the difficulty of being able to read fluently and without errors, problems in understanding reading, spelling and writing, which could lead to low academic performance. Dyslexia in adolescents influences relationships with their peers due to rejection, teasing and discrimination by their peers. Through techniques such as the interview, the medical history, the observation sheets and the psychological tests, a therapeutic scheme can be established based on the cognitive behavioral approach.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEn este estudio de caso la problemática que se evidencia es la dificultad para poder leer con fluidez y sin errores, problemas para comprender la lectura, la ortografía y la escritura, lo que podría desencadenar a un bajo rendimiento académico. La dislexia en el adolescente influye en las relaciones con sus pares debido al rechazo, burlas y discriminación por parte de sus compañeros. por medio de las técnicas como la entrevista, la historia clínica, las fichas de observación y los test psicológicos, se puedo establecer un esquema terapéutico en base al enfoque cognitivo conductual.es_ES
dc.format.extent28 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB, 2020es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectCognitivo conductuales_ES
dc.subjectRendimiento académicoes_ES
dc.titleDificultad de aprendizaje en un adolescente y su influencia en las relaciones con sus pareses_ES

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