dc.contributor.advisor | Mora Aristega, Julio Ernesto | |
dc.contributor.author | Sandoval Colina, Evelyn Nathaly | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2020-05-02T02:26:14Z | |
dc.date.available | 2020-05-02T02:26:14Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2020 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://dspace.utb.edu.ec/handle/49000/7608 | |
dc.description | The Cleaning Services Association SERVIPLUS FLUMINENSE is a small company that is dedicated to offering cleaning services as stated in its RUC, as such it has obligations with the control agencies of the country, this company works with public and private companies; The main problem that it has is that the entities that contract its services do not pay off their obligations on time, which has largely limited investment and its growth capacity, and therefore has caused the levels of competitiveness to stagnate in the market within the industrial branch.
The present work arises as a need to know the mechanisms that have been applied to mitigate the problematic situation, its objective is to know the opinion that the partners and the manager have regarding the growth of the company and the possibilities of economic sustainability in the weather; for this reason, it is framed in the two research sub-lines of the Commercial Engineering career, in administrative management models, since the problem of managing and realizing income concerns it directly, and production and competitiveness because the company is at a level flat competitiveness since it has not invested due to lack of cash. | es_ES |
dc.description | The Cleaning Services Association SERVIPLUS FLUMINENSE is a small company that is dedicated to offering cleaning services as stated in its RUC, as such it has obligations with the control agencies of the country, this company works with public and private companies; The main problem that it has is that the entities that contract its services do not pay off their obligations on time, which has largely limited investment and its growth capacity, and therefore has caused the levels of competitiveness to stagnate in the market within the industrial branch.
The present work arises as a need to know the mechanisms that have been applied to mitigate the problematic situation, its objective is to know the opinion that the partners and the manager have regarding the growth of the company and the possibilities of economic sustainability in the weather; for this reason, it is framed in the two research sub-lines of the Commercial Engineering career, in administrative management models, since the problem of managing and realizing income concerns it directly, and production and competitiveness because the company is at a level flat competitiveness since it has not invested due to lack of cash. | es_ES |
dc.description.abstract | La Asociación de Servicios de Limpieza SERVIPLUS FLUMINENSE es una empresa pequeña que se dedica a ofertar servicios de limpieza tal como como constan en su RUC, como tal tiene obligaciones con los organismos de control del país, esta empresa trabaja con empresas públicas y privadas; el problema principal que tiene es que las entidades que contratan sus servicios no cancelan sus obligaciones a tiempo, lo que ha limitado en gran parte la inversión y la capacidad de crecimiento de la misma y por ende ha provocado que se estanquen los niveles de competitividad en el mercado dentro del ramo industrial.
El presente trabajo surge como una necesidad de conocer los mecanismos que se han aplicado para mitigar la situación problemática, el objetivo del mismo es conocer la opinión que tienen los socios y el gerente respecto al crecimiento de la empresa y las posibilidades de sustentabilidad económica en el tiempo; por ello se enmarca en las dos sublíneas de investigación de la carrera de Ingeniería Comercial, en modelos de gestión administrativa debido a que el problema de gestión y efectivización de los ingresos le ataña directamente, y producción y competitividad porque la empresa se encuentra en un nivel de competitividad plano dado que no ha invertido por falta de efectivo.
Para obtener resultados se aplicaron técnicas de recolección de información tales como la encuesta y la entrevista, las que permitieron conocer que los socios y el gerente descartan en primera instancia un financiamiento externo y determinan que lo más importante es establecer estrategias para hacer efectivo los ingresos. | es_ES |
dc.format.extent | 30 p. | es_ES |
dc.language.iso | es | es_ES |
dc.publisher | Babahoyo, UTB - FAFI 2020 | es_ES |
dc.rights | Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador | * |
dc.rights.uri | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ec/ | * |
dc.subject | Economía | es_ES |
dc.subject | Sustentabilidad | es_ES |
dc.subject | Servicios | es_ES |
dc.subject | Créditos | es_ES |
dc.subject | Crecimiento empresarial | es_ES |
dc.title | Sostenibilidad económica de la empresa de servicios de limpieza SERVIPLUS FLUMINENSE. | es_ES |
dc.type | bachelorThesis | es_ES |