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dc.contributor.advisorGómez Puente, Amada Virginia
dc.contributor.authorCruz Álvarez, Kemberlin De Las Mercedes
dc.descriptionThe present clinical case study is applied to an elderly patient with a surgical pathological history of partial penectomy 4 months ago who was admitted as an emergency due to presenting a clinical picture of fever 38.4 and pain in the hypogastrium area, urinary retention, purulent and foul-smelling discharge that came from the urinary catheter that reflects in the collection bag. Blood pressure 122/78mmHg, heart rate 88bpm, respiratory rate 16rpm, temperature 38.4 and oxygen saturation 99% were recorded. Peripheral line #18 cannulation procedure is performed and pharmacological treatment is administered, according to medical prescription. During the physical assessment, the doctor observed abscessed inguinal lymph nodes and bladder balloon, an attempt was made to dilate the partial amputation meatus and there were no results. An attempt is made to place a cystotomy tube, but it is impossible. Emergency haematological and chemical biometry and conventional radiography will be performed. After having carried out the corresponding physical assessment and functional patterns of Marjory Gordon. As well as having obtained the laboratory results and imaging examinations, the patient was admitted as an emergency for a conventional cystotomy surgical procedure due to his diagnosis of malignant tumor of the penis. The patient is hospitalized in the internal medicine area where he will be provided with optimal nursing care according to his diagnosis.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present clinical case study is applied to an elderly patient with a surgical pathological history of partial penectomy 4 months ago who was admitted as an emergency due to presenting a clinical picture of fever 38.4 and pain in the hypogastrium area, urinary retention, purulent and foul-smelling discharge that came from the urinary catheter that reflects in the collection bag. Blood pressure 122/78mmHg, heart rate 88bpm, respiratory rate 16rpm, temperature 38.4 and oxygen saturation 99% were recorded. Peripheral line #18 cannulation procedure is performed and pharmacological treatment is administered, according to medical prescription. During the physical assessment, the doctor observed abscessed inguinal lymph nodes and bladder balloon, an attempt was made to dilate the partial amputation meatus and there were no results. An attempt is made to place a cystotomy tube, but it is impossible. Emergency haematological and chemical biometry and conventional radiography will be performed. After having carried out the corresponding physical assessment and functional patterns of Marjory Gordon. As well as having obtained the laboratory results and imaging examinations, the patient was admitted as an emergency for a conventional cystotomy surgical procedure due to his diagnosis of malignant tumor of the penis. The patient is hospitalized in the internal medicine area where he will be provided with optimal nursing care according to his diagnosis.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente estudio de caso clínico está aplicado en paciente adulto mayor con antecedentes patológicos quirúrgicos de penectomía parcial hace 4 meses que ingresa por emergencia al presentar cuadro clínico de fiebre 38.4 y dolor en la zona del hipogastrio, retención urinaria, secreción purulenta y fétida proveniente de la sonda vesical que refleja en la bolsa recolectora. Se registra presión arterial 122/78mmhg, frecuencia cardiaca 88lpm, frecuencia respiratoria 16rpm, temperatura 38,4 y saturación de oxígeno 99%. Se realiza procedimiento de canalización de vía periférica #18 y se administra tratamiento farmacológico, según prescripción médica. Médico observa en la valoración física ganglios inguinales abscedados y globo vesical, se intenta dilatar meato de amputación parcial y no hubo resultados. Se intenta colocar sonda de cistotomía, pero es imposible. Se realizará de emergencia biometría hemática – hematológica y química y radiografía convencional. Luego de haber realizado la correspondiente valoración física y por patrones funcionales de Marjory Gordon. Al igual que haber obtenido los resultados de laboratorio y exámenes de imágenes se procedió a llevar se ingresó al paciente por emergencia para procedimiento quirúrgico de cistotomía convencional debido a su diagnóstico de tumor maligno del pene. Paciente queda hospitalizado en el área de medicina interna donde se le brindaran los óptimos cuidados de enfermería acorde a su diagnóstico.es_ES
dc.format.extent41 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectRetención Urinariaes_ES
dc.titleProceso atención de enfermería en paciente adulto mayor con tumor maligno del penees_ES

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