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dc.contributor.advisorPasos Baño, Ana María
dc.contributor.authorChamber Barrera, Karen Yeilen
dc.contributor.authorPlaza Santos, Angie Maoly
dc.descriptionIn Ecuador, about 12.47% of pregnant women experience some complication such as vaginal bleeding related to the first half of pregnancy, and it usually ends with an abortion. With visible risk factors that may be associated to a greater or lesser extent with the obstetric outcome and the risk of developing hemorrhage. Objective: To establish the risk factors associated with hemorrhages in the first half of pregnancy in pregnant women treated at the Liborio Panchana Sotomayor general hospital. November 2023 - April 2024. Methodology: Descriptive, observational, quali-quantitative, non-experimental transversal. Analysis: The clinical history. Instrument: Excel data sheet with the study variables, the sample was 237 pregnant women who were treated at the Liborio Panchana Sotomayor General Hospital, with a diagnosis of hemorrhage in the first half of pregnancy. Results: 40% of the pregnant women belong to the age group of 20-26 years, 94% are Ecuadorian, 51% are single, 64% have secondary educational level, 98% of the pregnant women consider themselves mestizo, 66% are from urban origins. , 52% of pregnant women have a gestational age of 5 – 9 weeks, 29% have a parity of 2 to 3 pregnancies and 61% of pregnant women do not have any prenatal control. Conclusion: Strengthen education programs and access to maternal health services, with special attention to young, single women with a lower educational level. Furthermore, it is imperative to improve early uptake and adherence to prenatal care to reduce the incidence of hemorrhage and its associated complications.es_ES
dc.descriptionIn Ecuador, about 12.47% of pregnant women experience some complication such as vaginal bleeding related to the first half of pregnancy, and it usually ends with an abortion. With visible risk factors that may be associated to a greater or lesser extent with the obstetric outcome and the risk of developing hemorrhage. Objective: To establish the risk factors associated with hemorrhages in the first half of pregnancy in pregnant women treated at the Liborio Panchana Sotomayor general hospital. November 2023 - April 2024. Methodology: Descriptive, observational, quali-quantitative, non-experimental transversal. Analysis: The clinical history. Instrument: Excel data sheet with the study variables, the sample was 237 pregnant women who were treated at the Liborio Panchana Sotomayor General Hospital, with a diagnosis of hemorrhage in the first half of pregnancy. Results: 40% of the pregnant women belong to the age group of 20-26 years, 94% are Ecuadorian, 51% are single, 64% have secondary educational level, 98% of the pregnant women consider themselves mestizo, 66% are from urban origins. , 52% of pregnant women have a gestational age of 5 – 9 weeks, 29% have a parity of 2 to 3 pregnancies and 61% of pregnant women do not have any prenatal control. Conclusion: Strengthen education programs and access to maternal health services, with special attention to young, single women with a lower educational level. Furthermore, it is imperative to improve early uptake and adherence to prenatal care to reduce the incidence of hemorrhage and its associated complications.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEn Ecuador cerca del 12,47% de gestantes experimenta alguna complicación como sangrado vaginal relacionada a la primera mitad del embarazo, y suele concluir con un aborto. Con visibles factores de riesgo que pueden asociarse en mayor o menor medida al resultado obstétrico y al riesgo de desarrollar una hemorragia. Objetivo: Establecer los factores de riesgo asociados a hemorragias de primera mitad del embarazo, en gestantes atendidas en el hospital general Liborio Panchana Sotomayor. Noviembre 2023 - Abril 2024. Metodología: Descriptiva, observacional, cuali - cuantitativa, transversal no experimental. Unidad de Análisis: Historia clínica. Instrumento: Hoja de datos en Excel con las variables de estudio, muestra representada por n= 237 gestantes atendidas en el Hospital General Liborio Panchana Sotomayor, con diagnóstico de hemorragia en la primera mitad del embarazo. Resultados: El 40% de las gestantes pertenecen al grupo etario de 20 -26 años, 94% son ecuatorianas, 51% estado civil soltera, 64% nivel educativo secundario, 98% de las gestantes se considera mestiza, 66% es de procedencia urbana, 52% de las gestantes con una edad gestacional de 5 – 9 semanas, 29% poseen una paridad de 2 a 3 gestas y un 61% las gestantes no presento ningún control prenatal. Conclusión: Fortalecer los programas de educación y acceso a servicios de salud materna, con especial atención a las mujeres jóvenes, solteras y con menor nivel educativo. Además, es imperativo mejorar la captación temprana y la adherencia al control prenatal para reducir la incidencia de hemorragias y sus complicaciones asociadas.es_ES
dc.format.extent86 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectFactores de riesgoes_ES
dc.subjectHemorragias de la primera mitades_ES
dc.subjectFactores Sociodemográficoses_ES
dc.subjectFactores de riesgo obstétricoes_ES
dc.titleFactores de riesgo asociados a la hemorragia de la primera mitad del embarazo en gestantes atendidas en el Hospital General Liborio Panchana Sotomayor, noviembre 2023 - abril 2024.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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