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dc.contributor.advisorVillafuerte Mera, Marcos Rolando
dc.contributor.authorBósquez Zambrano, Heydi Nicole
dc.descriptionIn the development of this clinical case has been established as a general objective, to apply the optometric intervention in a 22-year-old female patient with magna myopia. Regarding the methodology, this type of study is longitudinal observational and is based on the analysis of the evolution of the patient throughout the period, the study approach is mixed, because qualities and quantifications are analyzed. In both eyes, the uncorrected visual acuity (AV SC) is 20/200. Based on the results, magna myopia has been confirmed in both eyes, the patient presents a refractive correction of -8.00 diopters in the right eye (OD) and -7.25 diopters in the left eye (OI), the definitive diagnosis is a magna myopia reaching an optical refraction with correction (CC) of 20/25. It is concluded that the best correction for the patient with high myopia is the use of soft contact lenses. Soft contact lenses are examined with corrections of -7.00 diopters in AO, while in conventional lenses -8.00 diopters in the right eye and -7.25 diopters in left eye.es_ES
dc.descriptionIn the development of this clinical case has been established as a general objective, to apply the optometric intervention in a 22-year-old female patient with magna myopia. Regarding the methodology, this type of study is longitudinal observational and is based on the analysis of the evolution of the patient throughout the period, the study approach is mixed, because qualities and quantifications are analyzed. In both eyes, the uncorrected visual acuity (AV SC) is 20/200. Based on the results, magna myopia has been confirmed in both eyes, the patient presents a refractive correction of -8.00 diopters in the right eye (OD) and -7.25 diopters in the left eye (OI), the definitive diagnosis is a magna myopia reaching an optical refraction with correction (CC) of 20/25. It is concluded that the best correction for the patient with high myopia is the use of soft contact lenses. Soft contact lenses are examined with corrections of -7.00 diopters in AO, while in conventional lenses -8.00 diopters in the right eye and -7.25 diopters in left eye.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEn el desarrollo de este caso clínico se ha establecido como objetivo general, aplicar la intervención optométrica en paciente femenino de 22 años de edad con miopía magna. En cuanto a la metodología se ha determinado, este tipo de estudio es observacional longitudinal se basa en el análisis de la evolución del paciente a lo largo del periodo, el enfoque del estudio es mixto, debido a que se analizan cualidades y cuantificaciones. En ambos ojos, la agudeza visual sin corrección (AV SC) es de 20/200. En base a los resultados, se ha confirmado una miopía magna en ambos ojos, la paciente presenta una corrección refractiva de -8.00 dioptrías en el ojo derecho (OD) y -7.25 dioptrías en el ojo izquierdo (OI), el diagnóstico definitivo es una miopía magna llegando a una refracción óptica con corrección (CC) de 20/25. Se concluye qué, la mejor corrección para la paciente con miopía magna es la utilización de lentes de contactos blandos de -7.00 dioptrías en AO, mientras que en lentes convencionales -8.00 dioptrías en ojo derecho y -7.25 dioptrías en ojo izquierdo.es_ES
dc.format.extent44 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectAgudeza Visuales_ES
dc.titleIntervención optométrica en paciente femenino de 22 años de edad con miopía magna.es_ES

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