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dc.contributor.advisorBustamante Cruz, Rosa Erlinda
dc.contributor.authorCorrales Mora, Sanyi Nayely
dc.descriptionPulmonary fibrosis is a disease within the group of diffuse interstitial lung pathologies, whose cause is still unknown, and has an unfavorable prognosis with limited therapeutic options. Generally, it affects males over 50 years of age to a greater extent, manifesting with symptoms that progressively evolve such as difficulty breathing and dry cough. Currently, an increase in its recurrence is seen, due to improvements in diagnostic methods and the substantial increase in life expectancy. Mediators involved in its development have been named, which has allowed us to focus on them as possible therapeutic targets, leading to the development of medications formed from molecules such as Nintedanib and pirfenidone, which are considered the preferred treatment for individuals with pulmonary fibrosis with manifestations. acute or severe clinical conditions, given the promising prognoses obtained in clinical trials.es_ES
dc.descriptionPulmonary fibrosis is a disease within the group of diffuse interstitial lung pathologies, whose cause is still unknown, and has an unfavorable prognosis with limited therapeutic options. Generally, it affects males over 50 years of age to a greater extent, manifesting with symptoms that progressively evolve such as difficulty breathing and dry cough. Currently, an increase in its recurrence is seen, due to improvements in diagnostic methods and the substantial increase in life expectancy. Mediators involved in its development have been named, which has allowed us to focus on them as possible therapeutic targets, leading to the development of medications formed from molecules such as Nintedanib and pirfenidone, which are considered the preferred treatment for individuals with pulmonary fibrosis with manifestations. acute or severe clinical conditions, given the promising prognoses obtained in clinical trials.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa fibrosis pulmonar es una enfermedad dentro del conjunto de patologías pulmonares intersticiales difusas, cuya causa aún es desconocida, y presenta un pronóstico desfavorable con opciones terapéuticas limitadas. Por lo general, afecta a en mayor medida al sexo masculino que superan los 50 años, manifestándose con sintomatología que evoluciona progresivamente como dificultad para respirar y tos seca. Actualmente, se observa un aumento en su recurrencia, posiblemente por las mejoras en los métodos de diagnóstico y por el incremento sustancial de la expectativa de vida. Se han identificado mediadores implicados en su desarrollo, lo que ha permitido centrarse en ellos como posibles objetivos terapéuticos, llevando al desarrollo de medicamentos formados a partir de moléculas como Nintedanib y pirfenidona, los cuales se consideran el tratamiento preferido para individuos con fibrosis pulmonar con manifestaciones clínicas agudas o severas, dado los prometedores pronósticos obtenidos en pruebas clínicas.es_ES
dc.format.extent45 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectFibrosis pulmonares_ES
dc.subjectTejido intersticiales_ES
dc.titleProceso atención de enfermería en paciente de 59 años de edad con fibrosis pulmonar.es_ES

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