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dc.contributor.advisorDelgado Cruz, María Vanessa
dc.contributor.authorÁlava Vinces, Karla Denisse
dc.descriptionThe project focuses on a 16-year-old male patient diagnosed with pseudomyopia, a condition in which distance vision is affected due to a transient refraction problem. The main objective of optometric intervention is to address this problem and improve the visual quality of said patient. This includes a detailed evaluation of visual acuity, refraction, accommodation, and visual function to understand the underlying cause of pseudomyopia in the patient. Based on these results, a personalized treatment plan will be designed that may include vision therapy, prescription of corrective lenses or specific vision exercises. Results: once each of the optometric examinations were performed, it was possible to detect that the patient has pseudomyopia due to accommodative excess for which continuous monitoring is planned to monitor the progression of the treatment and adjust it as necessary. Conclusion: It is expected that, through this comprehensive optometric intervention, the patient will experience a significant improvement in their distance and near vision, reducing the symptoms of pseudomyopia and improving their overall visual quality of life through the established treatment.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe project focuses on a 16-year-old male patient diagnosed with pseudomyopia, a condition in which distance vision is affected due to a transient refraction problem. The main objective of optometric intervention is to address this problem and improve the visual quality of said patient. This includes a detailed evaluation of visual acuity, refraction, accommodation, and visual function to understand the underlying cause of pseudomyopia in the patient. Based on these results, a personalized treatment plan will be designed that may include vision therapy, prescription of corrective lenses or specific vision exercises. Results: once each of the optometric examinations were performed, it was possible to detect that the patient has pseudomyopia due to accommodative excess for which continuous monitoring is planned to monitor the progression of the treatment and adjust it as necessary. Conclusion: It is expected that, through this comprehensive optometric intervention, the patient will experience a significant improvement in their distance and near vision, reducing the symptoms of pseudomyopia and improving their overall visual quality of life through the established treatment.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEste caso clínico se enfoca en un paciente masculino de 16 años diagnosticado con pseudomiopía, una condición en la que la visión de lejos se ve afectada debido a un problema de refracción transitorio. El objetivo principal de la intervención optométrica es abordar este problema y mejorar la calidad visual de dicho paciente. En este caso se incluye una evaluación detallada de la agudeza visual, refracción, acomodación y función visual para comprender la causa subyacente de la pseudomiopía en el paciente. Basándose en estos resultados, se diseñará un plan de tratamiento personalizado que puede incluir terapia visual, prescripción de lentes correctivos o ejercicios visuales específicos. Resultados: una vez que se realizaron cada uno de los exámenes optométricos se pudo detectar que el paciente presenta la pseudomiopía por exceso acomodativo para la cual se plantea un seguimiento continuo para monitorear la progresión del tratamiento y ajustarlo según sea necesario. Conclusión: Se espera que, a través de esta intervención optométrica integral, el paciente experimente una mejora significativa en su visión de lejos como de cerca, reduciendo los síntomas de la pseudomiopía y mejorando su calidad de vida visual en general por medio del tratamiento establecido.es_ES
dc.format.extent36 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectExceso acomodativoes_ES
dc.titleIntervención optométrica en paciente masculino de 16 años de edad con pseudomiopíaes_ES

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