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dc.contributor.advisorCedeño Sandoya, Walter Adrian
dc.contributor.authorEspinoza Vera, Lisseth del Rocio
dc.descriptionPsychological abuse is one of the acts of violence that has an intrinsic impact on the victim, which affects their personality, belief system, self-esteem and therefore self-esteem, causing the violated person to feel worthy of said abuse. . , normalizing this type of violence, especially in adolescents, who will replicate such acts in the future. That is why as parents who at some point experienced or were victims of violence, we cut these patterns in order to provide an optimal quality of life to our children, so that they feel security and self-confidence. Based on the aforementioned, this case focuses on determining the psychological abuse and its impact on the self-esteem of a 14-year-old adolescent, abuse that has been caused by her mother and for which she took the initiative to start her psychological process. For the evaluation, a qualitative, descriptive methodology was used in order to disclose the details of the process and its psychological evaluation through techniques such as the interview, observation sheet, clinical history, and psychometric tests such as the Beck Depression Scale, Anxiety, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE), which allows for a presumptive diagnosis by identifying F41 in the patient. Mixed Anxious-Depressive Disorder, for which a psychotherapeutic plan was developed with the Cognitive Behavioral approach applying therapeutic techniques such as psychoeducation, recording of thoughts, difference between facts, thoughts and emotions, self-registration of thoughts and feelings, activity programming technique and categorization. of distorted thoughts, cognitive restructuring, Jacobson relaxation technique.es_ES
dc.descriptionPsychological abuse is one of the acts of violence that has an intrinsic impact on the victim, which affects their personality, belief system, self-esteem and therefore self-esteem, causing the violated person to feel worthy of said abuse. . , normalizing this type of violence, especially in adolescents, who will replicate such acts in the future. That is why as parents who at some point experienced or were victims of violence, we cut these patterns in order to provide an optimal quality of life to our children, so that they feel security and self-confidence. Based on the aforementioned, this case focuses on determining the psychological abuse and its impact on the self-esteem of a 14-year-old adolescent, abuse that has been caused by her mother and for which she took the initiative to start her psychological process. For the evaluation, a qualitative, descriptive methodology was used in order to disclose the details of the process and its psychological evaluation through techniques such as the interview, observation sheet, clinical history, and psychometric tests such as the Beck Depression Scale, Anxiety, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE), which allows for a presumptive diagnosis by identifying F41 in the patient. Mixed Anxious-Depressive Disorder, for which a psychotherapeutic plan was developed with the Cognitive Behavioral approach applying therapeutic techniques such as psychoeducation, recording of thoughts, difference between facts, thoughts and emotions, self-registration of thoughts and feelings, activity programming technique and categorization. of distorted thoughts, cognitive restructuring, Jacobson relaxation technique.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl maltrato psicológico es uno de los actos de violencia que repercute de forma intrínseca en la víctima, la cual afecta a su personalidad, sistema de creencias, amor propio y por ende en la autoestima, generando que la persona violentada se sienta merecedora de dicho maltrato, normalizando ese tipo de violencia sobre todo en los adolescentes, quienes van a replicar dichos actos en el futuro. Es por ello que como padres que en algún momento vivieron o fueron victimas de violencia cortar con esos patrones para poder brindar una calidad de vida optima a sus hijos, a fin de que sientan seguridad y confianza en si mismo. En base a lo mencionado este caso se centra en determinar el maltrato psicológico y su incidencia en la autoestima de una adolescente de 14 años, maltrato que ha sido ocasionado por su madre y por el cual tomo la iniciativa de iniciar su proceso psicológico. Para la evaluación se usó una metodología cualitativa, descriptiva a fin de dar a conocer los detalles del proceso y su evaluación psicológica mediante técnicas como la entrevista, ficha de observación, historia clínica, y test psicométricos como la Escala de Depresión de Beck, Escala de Ansiedad, Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg (RSE), el cual permite dar un diagnóstico presuntico identificándose en la paciente el F41. Trastorno Mixto Ansioso-Depresivo, para el cual se elaboró un plan psicoterapéutico con el enfoque Cognitivo Conductual aplicando técnicas terapéuticas como psicoeducación, registro de pensamientos, diferencia entre hechos, pensamientos y emociones, autorregistro de pensamientos y sentimientos, técnica de programación de actividades y categorización de pensamientos distorsionados, restructuración cognitiva, técnica de relajación de Jacobson.es_ES
dc.format.extent32 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2023es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectSalud mentales_ES
dc.titleMaltrato psicológico y su incidencia en el autoestima de una adolescente de 14 años del cantón Vinceses_ES

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