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dc.contributor.advisorAguirre Rodríguez, Carlos Gonzalo
dc.contributor.authorAmaiquema Chuquiana, Evelyn Maoli
dc.descriptionThe constant use of technologies has caused people to be exposed to the vulnerabilities presented by computer media, caused by system specialists who are dedicated to cyberattacks, causing threats to obtain confidential information. There are several types of cyberattacks, among the most used are malware, phishing and ransomware. Phishing is one of the most common and effective attack methods in the cyber sphere. Attackers use deceptive tactics to steal sensitive information such as banking credentials and personal data, which can result in financial loss and identity theft. Through the analysis of this case study, it is expected to be able to meet the proposed objective, which is to analyze the attack of the phishing model on computer and banking systems, through the descriptive research method which will allow us to describe the techniques, strategies and evolution of the phishing, allowing us to seek a solution to safeguard personal and financial information through cybersecurity. During the development of the research, the impacts of the phishing method on computer and banking systems worldwide will be indicated, and the results of surveys carried out by different types of people will also be detailed.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe constant use of technologies has caused people to be exposed to the vulnerabilities presented by computer media, caused by system specialists who are dedicated to cyberattacks, causing threats to obtain confidential information. There are several types of cyberattacks, among the most used are malware, phishing and ransomware. Phishing is one of the most common and effective attack methods in the cyber sphere. Attackers use deceptive tactics to steal sensitive information such as banking credentials and personal data, which can result in financial loss and identity theft. Through the analysis of this case study, it is expected to be able to meet the proposed objective, which is to analyze the attack of the phishing model on computer and banking systems, through the descriptive research method which will allow us to describe the techniques, strategies and evolution of the phishing, allowing us to seek a solution to safeguard personal and financial information through cybersecurity. During the development of the research, the impacts of the phishing method on computer and banking systems worldwide will be indicated, and the results of surveys carried out by different types of people will also be detailed.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl uso constante de las tecnologías ha provocado que las personas sean expuestas a las vulnerabilidades que presentan los medios informáticos, provocadas por especialistas en sistemas que se dedican al ciberataque causando amenazas para obtener información confidencial, existen varios tipos de ciberataques entre los más utilizados están malware, el phishing y el ransomware. El phishing es uno de los métodos de ataque más comunes y efectivos en el ámbito cibernético. Los atacantes utilizan tácticas engañosas para robar información confidencial, como credenciales bancarias y datos personales, lo que puede resultar en pérdidas financieras y robo de identidad. Mediante el análisis de este estudio de caso se espera poder cumplir el objetivo propuesto, que es el analizar el ataque del modelo phishing en los sistemas informáticos y bancarios, mediante el método de investigación descriptiva el cual nos permitirá describir las técnicas, estrategias y evolución del phishing, perimiéndonos buscar una solución para salvaguardar la información personal y financiera por medio de la ciberseguridad. Durante el desarrollo de la investigación se indicarán los impactos del método phishing en los sistemas informáticos y bancarios a nivel mundial, también se detallarán resultados de encuestas realizadas por diferentes tipos de personas.es_ES
dc.format.extent28 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2023es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectSistemas Informáticoses_ES
dc.titleAnálisis del ataque del modelo Phishing en los sistemas informáticos y bancarios.es_ES

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