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dc.contributor.advisorCórdova Loor, Francisco Javier
dc.contributor.authorZambrano Sacón, Eliceo Ramon
dc.descriptionAmblyopia is a neurological disorder, resulting from abnormal stimulation of the brain in the critical period of visual development. This clinical case was carried out with the objective of determining the characterization of amblyopia, based on this knowledge, to be able to provide the patient with the respective diagnosis and treatment through consultation in order to improve the quality of life. The 23-year-old male patient who comes to the optometric clinic is monitored for presenting the following symptoms such as headache, blurred vision on the side of his left eye, fatigue, eye strain when reading or browsing on his cell phone , constant tearing in the left eye. The patient states that as a 12-year-old child he was detected with astigmatism, so the treatment he was prescribed is the least invasive: the use of lenses with the necessary measurements. Apparently the indicated treatment has not been sufficient and has not been able to correctly correct the problem of astigmatism, which is why the patient is suspected of suffering from meridional amblyopia in his left eye. The diagnosis is that the patient has meridional amblyopia in his left eye that was produced by an astigmatism that was not adequately corrected in his adolescence. The patient is followed up on his treatment every two weeks for 6 months, in addition to doing simple visual exercises for approximately 15 min. After applying the follow-up to this type of therapy, an improvement in the patient's visual problem is expected.es_ES
dc.descriptionAmblyopia is a neurological disorder, resulting from abnormal stimulation of the brain in the critical period of visual development. This clinical case was carried out with the objective of determining the characterization of amblyopia, based on this knowledge, to be able to provide the patient with the respective diagnosis and treatment through consultation in order to improve the quality of life. The 23-year-old male patient who comes to the optometric clinic is monitored for presenting the following symptoms such as headache, blurred vision on the side of his left eye, fatigue, eye strain when reading or browsing on his cell phone , constant tearing in the left eye. The patient states that as a 12-year-old child he was detected with astigmatism, so the treatment he was prescribed is the least invasive: the use of lenses with the necessary measurements. Apparently the indicated treatment has not been sufficient and has not been able to correctly correct the problem of astigmatism, which is why the patient is suspected of suffering from meridional amblyopia in his left eye. The diagnosis is that the patient has meridional amblyopia in his left eye that was produced by an astigmatism that was not adequately corrected in his adolescence. The patient is followed up on his treatment every two weeks for 6 months, in addition to doing simple visual exercises for approximately 15 min. After applying the follow-up to this type of therapy, an improvement in the patient's visual problem is expected.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa ambliopía es un desarreglo neurológico, como resultado de una estimulación anormal del cerebro en el periodo crítico del desarrollo visual. Este caso clínico se lo realizó con el objetivo de determinar la caracterización de la ambliopía, en base a esos conocimientos poder brindarle al paciente mediante consulta el respectivo diagnóstico y tratamiento para poder mejorar la calidad de vida. Se le realiza el seguimiento al paciente de sexo masculino de 23 años de edad que acude a consulta optométrica por presentar los siguientes síntomas como cefalea, visión borrosa del lado de su ojo izquierdo, fatiga, cansancio de las vistas cuando lee o navega en su celular, lagrimeo constante en el ojo izquierdo. El paciente Manifiesta que de niño a sus 12 años le detectaron astigmatismo por lo que el tratamiento que le indicaron es el menos invasivo: el uso de lentes con las medidas necesarias. Aparentemente el tratamiento indicado no ha sido suficiente y no logrado corregir correctamente el problema del astigmatismo por lo que se sospecha el paciente padece ambliopía meridional en su ojo izquierdo. El diagnóstico es del que paciente tiene ambliopía meridional en su ojo izquierdo que fue producido por un astigmatismo no corregido adecuadamente en su adolescencia. Se le realiza al paciente un seguimiento en su tratamiento cada dos semanas por 6 meses, además de hacer ejercicios visuales sencillos por 15 min aproximadamente, luego de aplicar el seguimiento a este tipo de terapia se espera una mejora en el problema visual del paciente.es_ES
dc.format.extent24 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2023es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectAmbliopía Meridionales_ES
dc.titleAmbliopía meridional en paciente masculino de 23 años.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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