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dc.contributor.advisorDelgado Cruz, María Vanessa
dc.contributor.authorVilela Meza, Benny Adrián
dc.descriptionThe accommodative excess is a dysfunction of the accommodation that causes poor near vision and difficulty to accommodate positive measures; therefore, the patient presents symptoms of ocular asthenopia when he/she spends a lot of time at the computer. Normally a patient is admitted to the optometric office and a common refraction exam is performed giving as a result the different ametropias and corrected for visual acuity but the patient begins to feel dissatisfied since the ophthalmic lens may serve him a short time and he feels again the ocular asthenopia, that is why we must take into account the accommodative problems in our patients since with the new technologies they are much more prone to suffer from an accommodative dysfunction. In order to diagnose accommodative overaccommodation we noticed that in the flipper test the cycles per minute (Cpm) were reduced and fluctuated when we placed positive measurements, implying that accommodation plays a very important role in vision, improving the quality of vision of people. When we diagnose accommodative excess, the first thing to do is to explain to the patient that he will have to undergo visual therapies and change the way he uses the computer to improve his accommodative system in addition to the 20/20/20 rule. After 3 months he came back with a decrease in asthenopia and an improvement in his VA and we recommended a variation of the measures for a better visual comfort.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe accommodative excess is a dysfunction of the accommodation that causes poor near vision and difficulty to accommodate positive measures; therefore, the patient presents symptoms of ocular asthenopia when he/she spends a lot of time at the computer. Normally a patient is admitted to the optometric office and a common refraction exam is performed giving as a result the different ametropias and corrected for visual acuity but the patient begins to feel dissatisfied since the ophthalmic lens may serve him a short time and he feels again the ocular asthenopia, that is why we must take into account the accommodative problems in our patients since with the new technologies they are much more prone to suffer from an accommodative dysfunction. In order to diagnose accommodative overaccommodation we noticed that in the flipper test the cycles per minute (Cpm) were reduced and fluctuated when we placed positive measurements, implying that accommodation plays a very important role in vision, improving the quality of vision of people. When we diagnose accommodative excess, the first thing to do is to explain to the patient that he will have to undergo visual therapies and change the way he uses the computer to improve his accommodative system in addition to the 20/20/20 rule. After 3 months he came back with a decrease in asthenopia and an improvement in his VA and we recommended a variation of the measures for a better visual comfort.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl exceso acomodativo es una disfunción de la acomodación que causa una mala visión de cerca y dificultad para acomodar medidas positivas por ello el paciente presenta síntomas de astenopia ocular cuando pasa mucho tiempo en computadora. Normalmente un paciente ingresa a la consulta optométrica y se le realiza un examen de refracción común dando como resultado las diferentes ametropías y corregido para si agudeza visual pero el paciente empieza a sentirse inconforme ya que el lente oftálmico puede servirle poco tiempo y vuelve a sentir la astenopia ocular por eso se deben tomar en cuenta los problemas acomodativos en nuestros pacientes ya que con las nuevas tecnologías son muchos más propenso a padecer una disfunción acomodativa. Para poder diagnosticar un exceso acomodativo notamos que en el test de los flippers los ciclos por minuto (Cpm) eran reducidas y fluctuaban cuando colocábamos medidas positivas dando a entender que la acomodación juega un papel muy importante en la visión, mejorando la calidad de visión de las personas. Cuando diagnosticamos exceso acomodativo lo primero es explicarle al paciente que va a tener que realizar terapias visuales y cambiar la forma en la que utiliza la computadora para mejorar su sistema acomodativo además de la regla 20/20/20. A los 3 meses regreso presentando disminución de la astenopia y una mejoría en su AV además se recomendó una variación de las medidas para un mejor confort visual.es_ES
dc.format.extent24 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2023es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectExceso acomodativoes_ES
dc.titleExceso acomodativo en paciente de 23 años.es_ES

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