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dc.contributor.advisorSoto Valle, Carlos Julio
dc.contributor.authorMuñoz Vera, Carmen Adriana
dc.descriptionThis case study aims to modernize the IT Network Infrastructure through the implementation of hyperconvergence that allows sessions by modules, where the launch of a firewall module dedicated to controlling network traffic is prioritized, as well as proposing security politics. Based on the firewall configurations discovered during the research process, the development of this case study is proposed in order to make network scalability more flexible, reinforce security support for its users, with this it is intended to present security policies that increase the security protocols in force. Detailed and specific objectives to be met: Analyze and identify the weak points of the computer network, Present the respective corrections that require a minimum effort to maintain the low cost of execution, Propose the respective adaptations and security protocols that maintain considerable benefits and low costs implementation for the computer network. Additionally, it is highlighted that thanks to this case study, the software requirements that the Technical University of Babahoyo needs to implement a set of rules and configurations that increase protection against computer attacks, generating greater prevention, were made known. which means greater confidence for network users.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis case study aims to modernize the IT Network Infrastructure through the implementation of hyperconvergence that allows sessions by modules, where the launch of a firewall module dedicated to controlling network traffic is prioritized, as well as proposing security politics. Based on the firewall configurations discovered during the research process, the development of this case study is proposed in order to make network scalability more flexible, reinforce security support for its users, with this it is intended to present security policies that increase the security protocols in force. Detailed and specific objectives to be met: Analyze and identify the weak points of the computer network, Present the respective corrections that require a minimum effort to maintain the low cost of execution, Propose the respective adaptations and security protocols that maintain considerable benefits and low costs implementation for the computer network. Additionally, it is highlighted that thanks to this case study, the software requirements that the Technical University of Babahoyo needs to implement a set of rules and configurations that increase protection against computer attacks, generating greater prevention, were made known. which means greater confidence for network users.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente caso de estudio Ambiciona modernizar la Infraestructura de Red informática a través de la implementación de hiperconvergencia que permita seccionar por módulos, donde se prioriza poner en marcha un módulo de firewall que se dedique al control del tráfico de red así mismo proponer políticas de seguridad con base en configuraciones de firewall descubiertas durante el proceso de investigación, se propone el desarrollo del presente caso de estudio con el fin de flexibilizar la escalabilidad de la red, reforzar el respaldo de seguridad para los usuarios de la misma, con esto se pretende presentar políticas de seguridad que incrementen los protocolos de seguridad vigentes en la actualidad. Objetivos detallados y concretos a cumplir: Analizar e Identificar los puntos débiles de la red informática, Presentar las respectivas correcciones que requieran un mínimo esfuerzo para mantener el bajo costo de ejecución, Proponer los respectivos ajustes y protocolos de seguridad que mantienen considerables beneficios y bajos costos de implementación para la red informática. Adicionalmente se resalta que gracias a este caso de estudio se dio a conocer la cuales son los requerimientos en software que necesita la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo para implementar un conjunto de reglas y configuraciones que aumenta la protección frente a ataques informáticos, generando mayor prevención lo que significa mayor confianza para los usuarios de la red.es_ES
dc.format.extent40 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2023es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectPortal Cautivoes_ES
dc.titleSistema de ciber seguridad para la red de comunicación de la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo basado en sistemas de código abierto.es_ES

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