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dc.contributor.advisorSchuldt Cruz, Javier Alberto
dc.contributor.authorGuevara Bravo, Alexi Muriel
dc.descriptionIn this investigation we will apply the autohemotherapy technique in dogs, this field study investigates the effects caused by intramuscular autohemotherapy venous blood reinjection, on the monocytes of each dog to which this type of therapy is applied. The AHT is a technique that, after the results obtained in the different investigations, allows expanding the therapeutic possibilities of the use of blood, and is solidly based on the notion of antibodies proposed by the Nobel Prize winner Niels K. Jërne, in the Theory of Network established in 1974. This theory supports that the Immune System forms antibodies, raising the number of monocytes (and other elements of the blood that collaborate in the defense of the organism), before the reinjection of blood intramuscularly, generating an expectation of immune autoaggression, this allows explaining how a disease can be treated with antibodies from the stimulation caused by the patient's blood. In veterinary medicine, the implementation of autohemotherapy is subject to medical criteria and the management of each patient according to their pathology and species that they may present, this practice must be based on ethical principles related to animal experimentation, ATH in medicine constitutes a technique that has been used many years ago and has allowed us to contribute to the improvement and well-being of patients thanks to its therapeutic adjuvant effects, at the same time that it is an opportunity for those animals that over time have generated resistance to certain antibiotics, being a low-cost and easily accessible non-pharmacological biological therapeutic alternative. The dogs that were treated in this study were separated into two groups with different doses (5 ml - 3 ml) in order to evaluate the behavior of monocytes against each dose, although there was no statistical significance between doses due to irregularity. Of the data. But from the medical point of view, reviewing the individual results of the dogs studied, it can be observed that there was improvement in the immune system of half of the animals that were applied autohemotherapy (AHT).es_ES
dc.descriptionIn this investigation we will apply the autohemotherapy technique in dogs, this field study investigates the effects caused by intramuscular autohemotherapy venous blood reinjection, on the monocytes of each dog to which this type of therapy is applied. The AHT is a technique that, after the results obtained in the different investigations, allows expanding the therapeutic possibilities of the use of blood, and is solidly based on the notion of antibodies proposed by the Nobel Prize winner Niels K. Jërne, in the Theory of Network established in 1974. This theory supports that the Immune System forms antibodies, raising the number of monocytes (and other elements of the blood that collaborate in the defense of the organism), before the reinjection of blood intramuscularly, generating an expectation of immune autoaggression, this allows explaining how a disease can be treated with antibodies from the stimulation caused by the patient's blood. In veterinary medicine, the implementation of autohemotherapy is subject to medical criteria and the management of each patient according to their pathology and species that they may present, this practice must be based on ethical principles related to animal experimentation, ATH in medicine constitutes a technique that has been used many years ago and has allowed us to contribute to the improvement and well-being of patients thanks to its therapeutic adjuvant effects, at the same time that it is an opportunity for those animals that over time have generated resistance to certain antibiotics, being a low-cost and easily accessible non-pharmacological biological therapeutic alternative. The dogs that were treated in this study were separated into two groups with different doses (5 ml - 3 ml) in order to evaluate the behavior of monocytes against each dose, although there was no statistical significance between doses due to irregularity. Of the data. But from the medical point of view, reviewing the individual results of the dogs studied, it can be observed that there was improvement in the immune system of half of the animals that were applied autohemotherapy (AHT).es_ES
dc.description.abstractEn esta investigación aplicaremos la técnica de la autohemoterapia en perros, este estudio de campo investiga sobre los efectos que causa la reinyección de sangre venosa autohemoterapia intramuscularmente, sobre los monocitos de cada perro al que se le aplica este tipo de terapia. La AHT es una técnica que tras los resultados obtenidos en las diferentes investigaciones, permite ampliar las probabilidades terapéuticas de la utilización de la sangre, y fundamenta sólidamente en la noción de anticuerpos propuesta por el premio Nobel Niels K. Jërne, en la Teoría de la Red establecida en 1974. Esta teoría respalda que, el Sistema Inmune forma anticuerpos, elevando el número de monocitos (y otros elementos de la sangre que colaboran en la defensa del organismo), ante la reinyección de sangre por vía intramuscular, generando una expectativa de autoagresión inmune, esto permite explicar cómo una enfermedad puede ser tratada con anticuerpos provenientes de la estimulación causada con la sangre del paciente. En medicina veterinaria, la implementación de la autohemoterapia está sujeta al criterio médico y al manejo de cada paciente según su patología y especie que este pueda presentar, esta práctica debe estar basada en los principios éticos relacionados a la experimentación en animales, la ATH en medicina veterinaria constituye una técnica que ha sido utilizada muchos años atrás y nos ha permitido contribuir a la mejora y bienestar de los pacientes gracias a sus efectos adyuvantes terapéuticos, al mismo tiempo que es una oportunidad para aquellos animales que a traves del tiempo han generado resistencia a ciertos antibióticos, siendo una alternativa terapéutica biológica no farmacológica de bajo costo y de fácil acceso. Los perros que se trataron en este estudio se separaron en dos grupos con diferentes dosis, (5 ml – 3 ml) con el fin de evaluar el comportamiento de los monocitos frente a cada dosis, aunque estadísticamente no hubo significancia entre las dosis por la irregularidad de los datos. Pero desde el punto vista médico revisando los resultados individuales de los perros estudiados se puede observar que hubo mejoría en sistema inmune de la mitad de los animales que se les aplico autohemoterapia (AHT).es_ES
dc.format.extent71 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2023es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectElevación de monocitoses_ES
dc.titleEstudio del comportamiento de los monocitos en caninos tratados con auto hemoterapiaes_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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