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dc.contributor.advisorDíaz Barzola, Alex Enrique
dc.contributor.authorViteri Macias, Carlos Byron
dc.descriptionAcute diarrheal disease (ADD) is a condition characterized by more than three bowel movements or a higher frequency of normal bowel movements in an individual. This is mainly because infectious processes are closely associated with various preventable and controllable risk factors. Acute diarrheal disease is the second leading cause of death worldwide and can cause dehydration, which if not treated properly and in a timely manner can be life-threatening. It is estimated that more than 26% of the world's child population is affected by the presence of continuous diarrhea and that is why greater efforts are needed to reduce the incidence and mortality from intestinal infections in preschool children. The development of this research work was carried out through the field method, since it allowed gathering the information required to detect the problems presented and at the same time it is applied because it generated knowledge in the medical personnel and parents of the patients attended. In addition, a retrospective descriptive study with an observational cross-sectional design was carried out at the Basic Hospital of San Miguel to adjust the care of preschool patients with acute diarrheal diseases. The universe consisted of the medical staff of this hospital unit. Because the sample size is small, better results can be obtained based on observation. The methods used are inductive, deductive, analytical, synthetic, historical, logical, descriptive and systematic. Scanning technology and data entries in patient records were used to collect information. The coincident results revealed that the risk factors that influence acute diarrheal diseases in preschoolers most frequently are of the environmental type where we can describe the presence of animals at home and the little care taken in the cleanliness of the same, inadequate storage and hygiene of food before being ingested, The biological factor can also be described in the type of breastfeeding prior to the age of two, child malnutrition, consumption of medicines without medical prescription, among others. This project is presented to inform about the risk factors that affect diarrheal pathology, dehydration, causes, symptoms and complications that occur. The results of this study will allow us to apply good hygiene measures to prevent infectious diseases, always looking for the good living of people. Health professionals are ready to participate in the process of multidisciplinary follow-up of the implementation of the care plan to reduce complications in patients treated in the outpatient area with this pathology. This recommendation is a guideline that describes the procedures and diagnoses for the care of preschool patients.es_ES
dc.descriptionAcute diarrheal disease (ADD) is a condition characterized by more than three bowel movements or a higher frequency of normal bowel movements in an individual. This is mainly because infectious processes are closely associated with various preventable and controllable risk factors. Acute diarrheal disease is the second leading cause of death worldwide and can cause dehydration, which if not treated properly and in a timely manner can be life-threatening. It is estimated that more than 26% of the world's child population is affected by the presence of continuous diarrhea and that is why greater efforts are needed to reduce the incidence and mortality from intestinal infections in preschool children. The development of this research work was carried out through the field method, since it allowed gathering the information required to detect the problems presented and at the same time it is applied because it generated knowledge in the medical personnel and parents of the patients attended. In addition, a retrospective descriptive study with an observational cross-sectional design was carried out at the Basic Hospital of San Miguel to adjust the care of preschool patients with acute diarrheal diseases. The universe consisted of the medical staff of this hospital unit. Because the sample size is small, better results can be obtained based on observation. The methods used are inductive, deductive, analytical, synthetic, historical, logical, descriptive and systematic. Scanning technology and data entries in patient records were used to collect information. The coincident results revealed that the risk factors that influence acute diarrheal diseases in preschoolers most frequently are of the environmental type where we can describe the presence of animals at home and the little care taken in the cleanliness of the same, inadequate storage and hygiene of food before being ingested, The biological factor can also be described in the type of breastfeeding prior to the age of two, child malnutrition, consumption of medicines without medical prescription, among others. This project is presented to inform about the risk factors that affect diarrheal pathology, dehydration, causes, symptoms and complications that occur. The results of this study will allow us to apply good hygiene measures to prevent infectious diseases, always looking for the good living of people. Health professionals are ready to participate in the process of multidisciplinary follow-up of the implementation of the care plan to reduce complications in patients treated in the outpatient area with this pathology. This recommendation is a guideline that describes the procedures and diagnoses for the care of preschool patients.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa enfermedad diarreica aguda (EDA) es una afección que se caracteriza por tener más de tres evacuaciones intestinales o una mayor frecuencia de las evacuaciones intestinales normales en una persona. Esto se debe principalmente a que los procesos infecciosos están estrechamente asociados a diversos factores de riesgo prevenibles y controlables. La enfermedad diarreica aguda es la segunda causa principal de muerte en todo el mundo y puede causar deshidratación, y la misma si no es tratada de manera adecuada y oportuna puede poner en peligro la vida. Se estima que más del 26% de la población infantil mundial se ve afectada por la presencia de diarrea continua y es por ello que se necesitan de mayores esfuerzos para reducir la incidencia y la mortalidad por infecciones intestinales en niños que comprenden edades preescolares. El desarrollo del presente trabajo investigativo se realizó a través del método de campo, pues el mismo permitió reunir la información requerida para detectar la problemática que se presenta y a su vez es aplicada porque generó conocimientos en el personal médico y padres de familia de los pacientes atendidos. Además se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo con un diseño transversal observacional en el Hospital Básico de San Miguel para ajustar la atención en pacientes preescolares con enfermedades diarreicas agudas. El universo está formado por el personal médico de esta unidad hospitalaria. Debido a que el tamaño de la muestra es pequeño, se puede obtener mejores resultados basados en la observación. Los métodos utilizados son inductivo, deductivo, analítico, sintético, histórico, lógico, descriptivo y sistemático. Se utilizó la tecnología de escaneo y las entradas de datos en los registros de los pacientes para recopilar información. Los resultados coincidentes revelaron que los factores de riesgo que influyen en enfermedades diarreicas agudas en preescolares más frecuente son de tipo ambiental donde se puede describir la presencia de animales en casa y el poco cuidado que se tiene en el aseo de los mismos, almacenamiento e higiene inadecuada de los alimentos antes de ser ingeridos, desprotección de los recipientes de basura, además de la deficiencia en el lavado correcto de manos, del mismo modo se puede describir en el factor biológico por el tipo de lactancia materna previo a los dos años, la desnutrición infantil, el consumo de medicamentos sin prescripción médica, entre otros. Este proyecto se presenta para informar sobre los factores de riesgo que inciden en la patología diarreica, en la deshidratación, las causas, síntomas y las complicaciones que se presentan. Los resultados de este estudio nos permitirán aplicar buenas medidas de higiene para prevenir enfermedades infecciosas, siempre buscando el buen vivir de las personas. Los profesionales de la salud están listos para participar en el proceso de seguimiento multidisciplinario de la implementación del plan de cuidados para reducir las complicaciones en pacientes tratados en el área de consulta externa con esta patología. Esta recomendación es una guía que describe los procedimientos y diagnósticos para el cuidado de pacientes preescolares.es_ES
dc.format.extent60 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2023es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectEnfermedad diarreica agudaes_ES
dc.subjectFactores Asociadoses_ES
dc.subjectCuidados de pacientes menores de 5 añoses_ES
dc.titleFactores de riesgo que influyen en enfermedades diarreicas agudas en preescolares que son atendidos en la consulta externa en el Hospital Básico de San Miguel diciembre 2022 - abril 2023.es_ES

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