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dc.contributor.advisorNavarrete Ortega, Relfa Magdalena
dc.contributor.authorRosado Mosquera, Ana Maria
dc.descriptionEnvironmental problems negatively affect the conservation of ecosystems, in turn represents a threat to the life of living beings and also directly affects the tourism development of the canton. The purpose of this research is to investigate the environmental problems and the effects they cause within the tourism development of the El Empalme canton, province of Guayas, year 2022. For the development of this study, the qualitative and quantitative method and field research were used. and documentary to obtain relevant information on the subject. In addition, a survey was carried out through Google Forms to 382 people from the Empalmese community to find out their opinions about the subject of study, obtaining as a result that the majority of the population has knowledge about environmental problems and recognize that the canton El Empalme is highly polluted, they jointly stated with 35.10% that the environmental problem that most influences the tourist development of the El Empalme canton is air pollution, also letting it be known that at present no awareness program has been developed within of the canton. Through this research, it is concluded that through an illustrative brochure, people can raise awareness and strengthen their participation in environmental protection actions, in order to obtain sustainable tourism development.es_ES
dc.descriptionEnvironmental problems negatively affect the conservation of ecosystems, in turn represents a threat to the life of living beings and also directly affects the tourism development of the canton. The purpose of this research is to investigate the environmental problems and the effects they cause within the tourism development of the El Empalme canton, province of Guayas, year 2022. For the development of this study, the qualitative and quantitative method and field research were used. and documentary to obtain relevant information on the subject. In addition, a survey was carried out through Google Forms to 382 people from the Empalmese community to find out their opinions about the subject of study, obtaining as a result that the majority of the population has knowledge about environmental problems and recognize that the canton El Empalme is highly polluted, they jointly stated with 35.10% that the environmental problem that most influences the tourist development of the El Empalme canton is air pollution, also letting it be known that at present no awareness program has been developed within of the canton. Through this research, it is concluded that through an illustrative brochure, people can raise awareness and strengthen their participation in environmental protection actions, in order to obtain sustainable tourism development.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLos problemas ambientales afectan negativamente la conservación de los ecosistemas, a su vez representa una amenaza a la vida de los seres vivos y además afecta directamente el desarrollo turístico del cantón. El propósito de la presente investigación es indagar sobre los problemas ambientales y los efectos que causan dentro del desarrollo turístico del cantón El Empalme, provincia del Guayas, año 2022. Para el desarrollo del presente estudio se utilizó el método cualitativo y cuantitativo e investigación de campo y documental para poder obtener información relevante del tema. Además se ejecutó una encuesta a través de Google Forms a 382 personas de la comunidad empalmense para conocer sus opiniones acerca del tema de estudio, logrando obtener como resultado que la mayoría de la población tiene conocimiento acerca de los problemas ambientales y reconocen que el cantón El Empalme está altamente contaminado, conjuntamente manifestaron con un 35,10% que el problema ambiental que más influye en el desarrollo turístico del cantón El Empalme es la contaminación del aire, dejando saber también que en la actualidad no se ha desarrollado ningún programa de concientización dentro del cantón. Mediante esta investigación se concluye que a través de un folleto ilustrativo las personas pueden hacer conciencia y fortalecer su participación en cuanto a las acciones de protección medioambiental, para así poder obtener un desarrollo turístico sostenible.es_ES
dc.format.extent26 Pes_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectProblemas ambientaleses_ES
dc.subjectDesarrollo turísticoes_ES
dc.subjectCantón El Empalmees_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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