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dc.contributor.advisorGalarza Ramírez, Maribel
dc.contributor.authorDíaz Rendón, Jimmy Wagner
dc.descriptionThe present degree work corresponds to the methodological action system theme for the development of anaerobic resistance, where the study was carried out in a professional and training club "San Antonio", which has the Antonio Sotomayor Parish that belongs to the Vinces Canton, which consists of 60 students in training, for which the objective set for this work is to analyze the level of incidence that a system of methodological actions has on young soccer players, including their ages from 12 to 14 years, through the involvement of anaerobic exercises that strengthen the aspect physical, to reach this end, an investigation was proposed under a descriptive approach, which combines qualitative and quantitative aspects, this allows the use of information collection techniques both in figures and descriptions, for which field research was also applied. to directly observe all the proposed exercises, once it is known that they are abajara with 22 students, which is the sample that was chosen, we proceeded to pass them the link of the digital questionnaire elaborated in Question Pro for analytical purposes that, through the results obtained, conclude that 65% of the respondents maintain that it is a fact that a lot of aerobic exercise decreases the quality of the muscles, so they feel the need to improve this factor a little, which is necessary to potentiate strength through an adequate application of anaerobic exercises, for which it is recommended that it is necessary to determine the appropriate use of aerobic exercises that decrease in muscular reduction, so that there is no imbalance, a proposal to solve this is an anaerobic-aerobic combination in the exercises that children receive, so that in this way the integral development of the minor is worked in a balanced way through a specific methodology.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present degree work corresponds to the methodological action system theme for the development of anaerobic resistance, where the study was carried out in a professional and training club "San Antonio", which has the Antonio Sotomayor Parish that belongs to the Vinces Canton, which consists of 60 students in training, for which the objective set for this work is to analyze the level of incidence that a system of methodological actions has on young soccer players, including their ages from 12 to 14 years, through the involvement of anaerobic exercises that strengthen the aspect physical, to reach this end, an investigation was proposed under a descriptive approach, which combines qualitative and quantitative aspects, this allows the use of information collection techniques both in figures and descriptions, for which field research was also applied. to directly observe all the proposed exercises, once it is known that they are abajara with 22 students, which is the sample that was chosen, we proceeded to pass them the link of the digital questionnaire elaborated in Question Pro for analytical purposes that, through the results obtained, conclude that 65% of the respondents maintain that it is a fact that a lot of aerobic exercise decreases the quality of the muscles, so they feel the need to improve this factor a little, which is necessary to potentiate strength through an adequate application of anaerobic exercises, for which it is recommended that it is necessary to determine the appropriate use of aerobic exercises that decrease in muscular reduction, so that there is no imbalance, a proposal to solve this is an anaerobic-aerobic combination in the exercises that children receive, so that in this way the integral development of the minor is worked in a balanced way through a specific methodology.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente trabajo de titulación corresponde al tema sistema acción metodológica para el desarrollo de la resistencia anaeróbica, donde el estudio se realizó en un club profesional y formativo “San Antonio”, que dispone la Parroquia Antonio Sotomayor que pertenece al Cantón Vinces, el cual consta de 60 estudiantes en formación, para lo cual el objetivo planteado para este trabajo es analizar el nivel de incidencia que tiene un sistema de acciones metodológicas en los jóvenes futbolistas comprendiendo sus edades de 12 a 14 años mediante la implicación de ejercicios anaeróbicos que fortalezcan el aspecto físico, para llegar a tal fin se planteó una investigación bajo un enfoque descriptivo, que combine aspectos cualitativos y cuantitativos, esto permite que se use técnicas de recolección de información tanto en cifras como en descripciones, para lo cual también se aplicó la investigación de campo para observar de manera directa todos los ejercicios propuestas, una vez conocido que se trabajara con 22 estudiantes que es la muestra que se escogió se procedió a pasarles el link del cuestionario digital elaborado en Questión Pro pata fines analíticos que mediante los resultados que se obtuvieron se concluye, que un 65% de los encuestados sostienen que es un hecho que mucho ejercicio aeróbico disminuye la calidad de la musculatura, por lo que sienten la necesidad de mejorar un poco este factor que es necesario para potencializar la fuerza mediante una aplicación adecuada de ejercicios anaeróbicos para lo cual se recomienda que, es necesario determinar el uso adecuado de ejercicios aeróbicos que disminuyan en una reducción muscular, para que no haya un desbalance, una propuesta para solucionar esto es una combinación anaerobio-aerobio en los ejercicios que los niños reciben, para que de esta manera se trabaje balanceadamente el desarrollo integral del menor mediante una metodología concreta.es_ES
dc.format.extent30 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2022es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectSistema metodológicoes_ES
dc.subjectEjercicios anaeróbicoses_ES
dc.subjectAcción metodológicaes_ES
dc.subjectReducción musculares_ES
dc.titleIncidencias de un sistema de acciones metodológicas en el desarrollo de la resistencia anaeróbica de futbolista de la categoría 12, 14 años club especializado y formativo San Antonio de la Parroquia Antonio Sotomayores_ES

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