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dc.contributor.advisorBustamante Cruz, Rosa Erlinda
dc.contributor.authorBriones Contreras, Yamileth Matilde
dc.contributor.authorMosquera Bastidas, Lisbeth Maydelen
dc.descriptionAdolescent pregnancy occurs when young people practice sexual activities without ignorance, with irresponsibility and misuse of contraceptive methods, also due to their immature age they are carried away by their desires, which generates problems and consequences in the future. General objective: to analyze the social and family determinants that influence adolescent pregnancies in the June 23 educational unit of the Baba canton. Methodology: the deductive and inductive method was used, a logical historical method applying a quantitative approach, being a descriptive, basic, field and cross-sectional investigation. Data collection: the survey was used through a questionnaire of organized and structured questions. Results: the data analysis was carried out through the Microsoft Excel program where it was observed that the main determinants that influence teenage pregnancies of the June 23 educational unit of Baba canton. Conclusion: when performing the analysis, statistically significant results were obtained that allowed us to accept the study hypothesis where the degree of knowledge and the lack of effective communication within the family nucleus would be the cause of the teenage pregnancies that occurred in the educational unit June 23, Baba canton during the period June - November 2022.es_ES
dc.descriptionAdolescent pregnancy occurs when young people practice sexual activities without ignorance, with irresponsibility and misuse of contraceptive methods, also due to their immature age they are carried away by their desires, which generates problems and consequences in the future. General objective: to analyze the social and family determinants that influence adolescent pregnancies in the June 23 educational unit of the Baba canton. Methodology: the deductive and inductive method was used, a logical historical method applying a quantitative approach, being a descriptive, basic, field and cross-sectional investigation. Data collection: the survey was used through a questionnaire of organized and structured questions. Results: the data analysis was carried out through the Microsoft Excel program where it was observed that the main determinants that influence teenage pregnancies of the June 23 educational unit of Baba canton. Conclusion: when performing the analysis, statistically significant results were obtained that allowed us to accept the study hypothesis where the degree of knowledge and the lack of effective communication within the family nucleus would be the cause of the teenage pregnancies that occurred in the educational unit June 23, Baba canton during the period June - November 2022.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl embarazo adolescente ocurre cuando los jóvenes practican actividades sexuales sin desconocimiento, con irresponsabilidad y mal uso de métodos anticonceptivos, además debido a su inmadura edad se dejan llevar por sus deseos lo que genera problemas y consecuencias a futuro. Objetivo general: analizar los determinantes sociales y familiares que influyen en los embarazos adolescentes en la unidad educativa 23 de junio del cantón Baba. Metodología: se empleó el método deductivo e inductivo, método histórico lógico aplicando un enfoque cuantitativo, siendo una investigación de tipo descriptiva, básica, de campo y transversal. La recolección de datos: se empleó la encuesta mediante un cuestionario de preguntas organizadas y estructuradas. Resultados: el análisis de datos se realizó a través del programa de Microsoft Excel donde se observó que los principales determinantes que influyen los embarazos adolescentes de la unidad educativa 23 de junio de cantón Baba. Conclusión: al realizar el análisis se obtuvo resultados estadísticamente significativos que nos permitió aceptar la hipótesis del estudio donde El grado de conocimiento y la falta de comunicación efectiva dentro del núcleo familiar serían la causa de los embazados adolescentes ocurridos en la unidad educativa 23 de junio del cantón Baba durante el período junio – noviembre 2022.es_ES
dc.format.extent100 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2022es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectEmbarazo Adolescentees_ES
dc.titleDeterminantes sociales y familiares que influyen en el embarazo adolescente de 1ero a 3ero de bachillerato en la Unidad Educativa 23 de junio del Cantón Baba período junio- noviembre 2022.es_ES

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