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dc.contributor.advisorCaicedo Monserrate, Diana Lorena
dc.contributor.authorLeón Gáleas, Elena Mildred
dc.descriptionThe present research work is to analyze the financial management of the company Credifácil of the canton Montalvo period 2021, indicates the problem of inadequate management where it has a decrease in profits that affects the activities, a qualitative methodology was used through data collection, observation and interview to obtain clear information from an excellent source when identifying the causes of difficulties presented by the institution such as liquidity deficiencies; the purpose of developing this case study with the purpose of helping to write guidelines and doubts of the work performance in the accounting area that satisfy people’s needs. The types of research applied in this case study is documentary that allows information to be found through documents, bibliographies of articles and journals to conduct research topics in an appropriate and precise manner, instead, it is descriptive for the purpose of explaining, recognize, analyze and examine within the profitability and liquidity of the business and knowledge necessary for financial management is used as a research tool assisting in finding facts in obtaining detailed explanations through interview. Within the financial management has great importance for the company where it is analyzed directly with a reliable source to obtain good achievements better in the profitability of the entity, as are the results obtained in the vertical analysis that has difficulties to carry out the activities caused by different causes found that is the ignorance to perform the transactions of each period, the deficiency for improvement of accounting processes.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present research work is to analyze the financial management of the company Credifácil of the canton Montalvo period 2021, indicates the problem of inadequate management where it has a decrease in profits that affects the activities, a qualitative methodology was used through data collection, observation and interview to obtain clear information from an excellent source when identifying the causes of difficulties presented by the institution such as liquidity deficiencies; the purpose of developing this case study with the purpose of helping to write guidelines and doubts of the work performance in the accounting area that satisfy people’s needs. The types of research applied in this case study is documentary that allows information to be found through documents, bibliographies of articles and journals to conduct research topics in an appropriate and precise manner, instead, it is descriptive for the purpose of explaining, recognize, analyze and examine within the profitability and liquidity of the business and knowledge necessary for financial management is used as a research tool assisting in finding facts in obtaining detailed explanations through interview. Within the financial management has great importance for the company where it is analyzed directly with a reliable source to obtain good achievements better in the profitability of the entity, as are the results obtained in the vertical analysis that has difficulties to carry out the activities caused by different causes found that is the ignorance to perform the transactions of each period, the deficiency for improvement of accounting processes.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente trabajo de investigación es analizar la gestión financiera de la empresa Credifácil del cantón Montalvo período 2021, indica el problema de un manejo inadecuado donde tiene una disminución de ganancias que afecta las actividades, se utilizó una metodología cualitativa mediante la recolección de datos, observación y entrevista para obtener información clara con una fuente excelente al momento de identificar las causas con dificultades que presenta la entidad como son las deficiencias en la liquidez, el propósito de desarrollar este estudio de caso con la finalidad en ayudar para redactar guías y dudas del desempeño laboral en la área contable que satisfacen necesidades de las personas. Los tipos de investigación aplicados en el presente estudio de caso es documental que permite encontrar información mediante de documentos, bibliografías de artículos y revistas para realizar temas de investigación de manera adecuada y precisa, en cambio, es descriptivo con la finalidad de explicar, reconocer, analizar e examinar dentro de la rentabilidad y liquidez del negocio y conocimientos necesarios para la gestión financiera se utiliza como herramienta de investigación la asistencia en búsqueda de hechos en obtener explicaciones detalladas a través de entrevista. Dentro de la gestión financiera tiene gran importancia para la empresa donde se analiza de manera directa con una fuente confiable obtener buenos logros mejores en la rentabilidad de la entidad, como son los resultados obtenidos en el análisis vertical que tiene dificultades a realizar las actividades ocasionadas por diferentes causas encontradas que es el desconocimiento a realizar las transacciones de cada periodo, la deficiencia por mejoramiento de procesos contables.es_ES
dc.format.extent37 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2022es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectGestión financieraes_ES
dc.subjectProcesos contableses_ES
dc.subjectAnálisis verticales_ES
dc.titleGestión financiera de la empresa Credifácil del cantón Montalvo durante el período 2021.es_ES

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