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dc.contributor.advisorCrespo Silva, Tanya Anabella
dc.contributor.authorPatín García, Jerson Daniel
dc.descriptionThe present study was carried out in a full-term male patient with head trauma. Head trauma is an alteration in brain function or other evidence of brain pathology, caused by an external force, which may consist of a direct impact on the brain. skull, rapid acceleration or deceleration, penetration of an object, or shock waves from an explosion, with the presence of at least one of the following: altered consciousness or amnesia, neurological or neurophysiological changes, diagnosis of skull fracture or injury intracranial and occurrence of death as a final result of trauma. The damage suffered by the brain after a traumatic brain injury is due, on the one hand, to the primary injury (contusion) directly related to the impact on the skull or to the rapid acceleration/deceleration movement, and on the other hand, to the secondary injury (edema, hemorrhage, increased pressure in the skull, etc.) that develops as a result of the primary injury during the first days after the accident and that can have serious consequences on the functional prognosis.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present study was carried out in a full-term male patient with head trauma. Head trauma is an alteration in brain function or other evidence of brain pathology, caused by an external force, which may consist of a direct impact on the brain. skull, rapid acceleration or deceleration, penetration of an object, or shock waves from an explosion, with the presence of at least one of the following: altered consciousness or amnesia, neurological or neurophysiological changes, diagnosis of skull fracture or injury intracranial and occurrence of death as a final result of trauma. The damage suffered by the brain after a traumatic brain injury is due, on the one hand, to the primary injury (contusion) directly related to the impact on the skull or to the rapid acceleration/deceleration movement, and on the other hand, to the secondary injury (edema, hemorrhage, increased pressure in the skull, etc.) that develops as a result of the primary injury during the first days after the accident and that can have serious consequences on the functional prognosis.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente estudio se realizó en un paciente a término de sexo masculino con traumatismo craneal. El traumatismo craneoencefálico es una alteración en la función cerebral u otra evidencia de patología cerebral, causada por una fuerza externa, la cual puede consistir en un pacto directo sobre el cráneo, aceleración o deceleración rápida, penetración de un objeto u ondas de choque es una explosión, con una presencia de al menos uno de los siguientes elementos alteración de la conciencia o amnesia, cambios neurológicos o neurofisiológicos, diagnóstico de fractura de cráneo o lesiones intracraneales y ocurrencia de muerte con resultados final de traumatismo. El daño que sufre el cerebro después de un traumatismo craneoencefálico se debe, por una parte de la lesión primaria (confusión) directamente relacionada con el impacto sobre el cráneo o con el movimiento rápido de aceleración/ deceleración y por otra parte la lesión secundaria (edema, hemorragia, aumento de la presión en el cráneo, etc.) que se desarrolla a raíz de la lesión primaria durante los primeros días tras el accidente y que puede conllevar graves consecuencia en el pronóstico funcionales_ES
dc.format.extent34 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2022es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectTraumatismo craneales_ES
dc.subjectPatología cerebrales_ES
dc.subjectCambio neurológicoes_ES
dc.subjectFractura de cráneoes_ES
dc.subjectEdema hemorragiaes_ES
dc.titleProceso atención de enfermería en paciente con traumatismo craneal.es_ES

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