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dc.contributor.advisorRicaurte Zambrano, Erick Magno
dc.contributor.authorOrtiz Sánchez, Dayana Lisbeth
dc.descriptionThe present case study took place in the Camilo Ponce parish of the city of Babahoyo, with the aim of carrying out an analysis of the design for the implementation of a computer system that allows to take control of the administrative management of the AMP physiotherapy and rehabilitation office. This office doesn’t have a computer system, and they do everything manually making the service and processes slow and inefficient, likewise, it doesn’t have the necessary organization for the management of patients, staff, appointments, medical records, consultations, diagnoses and reports. To stay ahead of the market and stand out from the competition, it’s necessary for the office to systematize the processes carried out within the administrative management in order to have a good internal organization, control the information generated, give quality attention and guarantee the work of the staff. Through this study, a system was proposed to solve the above-mentioned problems; for this, the deductive method and the UML methodology were used, which allowed obtaining the necessary data for the development of the system, such as the requirements, the functionalities that it should have through the use case diagrams and the feasibility through a feasibility study. Through these factors it was possible to determine that the computer system is viable to start up and the owner must have the financing required for its implementation.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present case study took place in the Camilo Ponce parish of the city of Babahoyo, with the aim of carrying out an analysis of the design for the implementation of a computer system that allows to take control of the administrative management of the AMP physiotherapy and rehabilitation office. This office doesn’t have a computer system, and they do everything manually making the service and processes slow and inefficient, likewise, it doesn’t have the necessary organization for the management of patients, staff, appointments, medical records, consultations, diagnoses and reports. To stay ahead of the market and stand out from the competition, it’s necessary for the office to systematize the processes carried out within the administrative management in order to have a good internal organization, control the information generated, give quality attention and guarantee the work of the staff. Through this study, a system was proposed to solve the above-mentioned problems; for this, the deductive method and the UML methodology were used, which allowed obtaining the necessary data for the development of the system, such as the requirements, the functionalities that it should have through the use case diagrams and the feasibility through a feasibility study. Through these factors it was possible to determine that the computer system is viable to start up and the owner must have the financing required for its implementation.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente estudio de caso tomó lugar en la parroquia Camilo Ponce de la ciudad de Babahoyo, con el objetivo de realizar un análisis del diseño para la implementación de un sistema informático que permita llevar el control de la gestión administrativa del consultorio de fisioterapia y rehabilitación AMP. Este consultorio no dispone de un sistema informático, y realizan todo de forma manual haciendo que el servicio y los procesos se tornen lentos e ineficientes, así mismo, no cuenta con la organización necesaria para la gestión de pacientes, personal, citas, historias clínicas, consultas, diagnósticos y reportes. Para mantenerse a la vanguardia del mercado y sobresalir de la competencia es necesario que el consultorio sistematice los procesos llevados dentro de la gestión administrativa a fin de tener una buena organización interna, controlar la información generada, dar una atención de calidad y garantizar el trabajo del personal. Mediante este estudio se propuso un sistema para solucionar los problemas mencionados; para esto se empleó el método deductivo y la metodología UML que permitió obtener los datos necesarios para el desarrollo del sistema como los requerimientos, las funcionalidades que debía tener a través de los diagramas de casos de uso y la viabilidad por medio de un estudio de factibilidad. Mediante estos factores se logró determinar que el sistema informático es viable para ponerse en marcha y el propietario deberá contar con el financiamiento requerido para su puesta en marcha.es_ES
dc.format.extent41 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2022es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectSistema Informáticoes_ES
dc.subjectGestión Administrativaes_ES
dc.titleAnálisis del diseño de un sistema informático para la gestión administrativa en el consultorio de fisioterapia y rehabilitación AMP de la ciudad de Babahoyo.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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