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dc.contributor.advisorSaltos Viteri, Harry Adolfo
dc.contributor.authorFernández Campelo, Álvaro Guillermo
dc.descriptionCurrently, Internet providers (ISP) have the obligation to provide an internet service with increasingly higher speeds according to the increase in users, internet traffic, online video games, the use of social networks and streaming content, In the same way, IPTV applications that day by day increases the number of people who use this service. The purpose of this research is to analyze the Quality of Internet Service of the APCOM company in the Canton Ventanas with last-mile technological equipment, including the means and infrastructure that the company has to distribute the Internet to the home of each of its clients within and out of the city. The progress in communication technologies and the increase in recent years in the percentage of the population that uses the Internet in Ecuador, has allowed people to be connected through smart devices with access to the network regardless of distance. This increase in coverage and internet access needs has allowed the APCOM company to expand throughout rural and urban areas that lacked services such as telephone coverage or internet connection. Knowing the factors that intervene in the quality of internet service allows the APCOM company to grow in its management, with a trained technical team, technological equipment and adequate infrastructure, which allow improving the quality of service to all its users. facilitating access to high-speed internet in rural and urban areas, making it possible to bridge the digital divide.es_ES
dc.descriptionCurrently, Internet providers (ISP) have the obligation to provide an internet service with increasingly higher speeds according to the increase in users, internet traffic, online video games, the use of social networks and streaming content, In the same way, IPTV applications that day by day increases the number of people who use this service. The purpose of this research is to analyze the Quality of Internet Service of the APCOM company in the Canton Ventanas with last-mile technological equipment, including the means and infrastructure that the company has to distribute the Internet to the home of each of its clients within and out of the city. The progress in communication technologies and the increase in recent years in the percentage of the population that uses the Internet in Ecuador, has allowed people to be connected through smart devices with access to the network regardless of distance. This increase in coverage and internet access needs has allowed the APCOM company to expand throughout rural and urban areas that lacked services such as telephone coverage or internet connection. Knowing the factors that intervene in the quality of internet service allows the APCOM company to grow in its management, with a trained technical team, technological equipment and adequate infrastructure, which allow improving the quality of service to all its users. facilitating access to high-speed internet in rural and urban areas, making it possible to bridge the digital divide.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEn la actualidad los proveedores de Internet (ISP) tienen como obligación proporcionar un servicio de internet con velocidades cada vez más elevadas de acuerdo al incremento de usuarios, tráfico de internet, videojuegos en línea, el uso de redes sociales y contenido de streaming, de igual forma aplicaciones de IPTV que día a día va aumentando el número de personas que utilizan este servicio. La presente investigación tiene como propósito analizar la Calidad de Servicio de Internet de la empresa APCOM en el Cantón Ventanas con equipos tecnológicos de última milla comprendiendo los medios e infraestructura que posee la empresa para distribuir el Internet al hogar de cada uno de sus clientes dentro y fuera de la ciudad. El avance en las tecnologías de comunicación y el incremento en los últimos años en el porcentaje de la población que utiliza el Internet en el Ecuador, ha permitido que las personas estén conectadas a través de dispositivos inteligentes con acceso a la red sin importar la distancia, este incremento en las necesidades de cobertura y acceso a internet le han permitido a la empresa APCOM expandirse a lo largo de las zonas rurales y urbanas que carecían de servicios como cobertura telefónica ni conexión a internet. El conocer los factores que intervienen en la calidad de servicio de internet le permite a la empresa APCOM ir creciendo en su gestión, contando con un equipo técnico capacitado, equipos tecnológicos e infraestructura adecuada, que permiten mejorar la calidad del servicio a todos sus usuarios, facilitando el acceso a internet de alta velocidad en zonas rurales y urbanas haciendo posible acortar la brecha digital.es_ES
dc.format.extent40 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2022es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectCalidad de servicioes_ES
dc.subjectRedes inalámbricases_ES
dc.subjectFibra Ópticaes_ES
dc.titleCalidad de Servicio de Internet de la Empresa APCOM en el Cantón Ventanas con equipos tecnológicos de última milla.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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