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dc.contributor.advisorFont Landa, Jesus
dc.contributor.authorLucio Ayala, Evelyn Jesús
dc.descriptionThis research is aimed at analyzing the incidence of physical and recreational activities to improve joint mobility in older adults in the Piedra Grande Sector, in the Ventanas Canton. Methodology: a quantitative research was developed, of non-experimental design – cross-sectional and of a descriptive-propositional type. To do this, the researchers selected an intentional sample of approximately seven older adults from the Piedra Grande Sector, in the Ventanas Canton. Two instruments were implemented for data collection: 1) questionnaire of structured questions (survey) to determine the degree of knowledge that older adults have about the physical-recreational activities they perform and their mood; 2) Senior Fitness Test to diagnose the level of joint mobility in the elderly of the Piedra Grande Sector, of the Ventanas Canton. Results: It was found that older adults mostly lack joint mobility. Regarding the evaluation of the upper and lower train, 85.72% had a "very low" joint mobility; while 14.28% have "normal" joint mobility. According to the validation of hypotheses through Pearson's Chi-Square statistical test, acceptance of the null hypothesis was obtained (there are no significant differences in the development of joint mobility of older adults in the Piedra Grande Sector, in the Ventanas Canton). Proposal: a plan of physical and recreational activities was developed aimed at improving the joint mobility of the elderly of the Piedra Grande Sector, in the Ventanas Canton, which is designed to be applied for six months.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis research is aimed at analyzing the incidence of physical and recreational activities to improve joint mobility in older adults in the Piedra Grande Sector, in the Ventanas Canton. Methodology: a quantitative research was developed, of non-experimental design – cross-sectional and of a descriptive-propositional type. To do this, the researchers selected an intentional sample of approximately seven older adults from the Piedra Grande Sector, in the Ventanas Canton. Two instruments were implemented for data collection: 1) questionnaire of structured questions (survey) to determine the degree of knowledge that older adults have about the physical-recreational activities they perform and their mood; 2) Senior Fitness Test to diagnose the level of joint mobility in the elderly of the Piedra Grande Sector, of the Ventanas Canton. Results: It was found that older adults mostly lack joint mobility. Regarding the evaluation of the upper and lower train, 85.72% had a "very low" joint mobility; while 14.28% have "normal" joint mobility. According to the validation of hypotheses through Pearson's Chi-Square statistical test, acceptance of the null hypothesis was obtained (there are no significant differences in the development of joint mobility of older adults in the Piedra Grande Sector, in the Ventanas Canton). Proposal: a plan of physical and recreational activities was developed aimed at improving the joint mobility of the elderly of the Piedra Grande Sector, in the Ventanas Canton, which is designed to be applied for six months.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa presente investigación se encuentra orientada a analizar la incidencia que tienen las actividades físicas – recreativas para mejorar la movilidad articular en los adultos mayores del Sector Piedra Grande, del Cantón Ventanas. Metodología: se desarrolló una investigación cuantitativa, de diseño no experimental – corte transversal y de tipo descriptiva-propositiva. Para ello, los investigadores seleccionaron una muestra intencional de aproximadamente siete adultos mayores del Sector Piedra Grande, del Cantón Ventanas. Se implementaron dos instrumentos para la recolección de datos: 1) cuestionario de preguntas estructuradas (encuesta) para determinar el grado de conocimiento que tienen los adultos mayores sobre las actividades físicas – recreativas que realizan y su estado de ánimo; 2) Test Senior Fitness para diagnosticar el nivel de movilidad articular en los adultos mayoreos del Sector Piedra Grande, del Cantón Ventanas. Resultados: Se pudo comprobar que los adultos mayores en su mayoría carecen de movilidad articular. En cuanto a la evaluación del tren superior e inferior se tuvo que el 85,72% tiene una movilidad articular “muy baja”; mientras que el 14,28% tiene una movilidad articular “normal”. De acuerdo con la validación de hipótesis a través de la prueba estadística Chi-Cuadrada de Pearson se obtuvo la aceptación de la hipótesis nula (no existen diferencias significativas en el desarrollo de la movilidad articular de los adultos mayores del Sector Piedra Grande, del Cantón Ventanas). Propuesta: se elaboró un plan de actividades físicas – recreativas orientadas a mejorar la movilidad articular de los adultos mayores del Sector Piedra Grande, del Cantón Ventanas, mismo que está diseñado para ser aplicado durante seis meses.es_ES
dc.format.extent76 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2022es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectPlan de actividades físicas-recreativases_ES
dc.subjectMovilidad articulares_ES
dc.subjectAdultos mayoreses_ES
dc.titleIncidencia de las actividades físicas-recreativas para mejorar la movilidad articular en los adultos mayores, del Sector Piedra Grande, del Cantón Ventanas, Provincia de Los Ríoses_ES

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