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dc.contributor.advisorCórdova Loor, Francisco
dc.contributor.authorVaras Palma, Suanny Mayling
dc.descriptionMyopia is a refractive error that manifests itself when the patient perceives distant objects as blurry. Myopia is due to the image being formed in front of the retina, either because the cornea or the crystalline lens or both are too powerful, or because the eye is longer than normal. Myopia is corrected with negative diverging lenses, either glasses or contact lenses. Astigmatism is a common and usually treatable imperfection in the curvature of the eye that causes blurred distance and near vision. It is usually due to an alteration in the anterior curvature of the cornea. The cornea is the transparent region at the anterior pole of the eye that acts as a lens through which light passes and is focused onto the retina at the back of the eye. The surface of the cornea should be symmetrical and regular in its curvatures, otherwise astigmatism occurs. Astigmatism is common in the human eye to a greater or lesser degree and is usually associated with myopia or hyperopia. It can be corrected by the use of cylindrical lenses. Magna myopia, or pathological myopia, is considered a state of excess power of the eye's optical system. That is why pathological myopia is characterized by progressive elongation of the anteroposterior axis of the eyeball causing excessive stretching of the posterior pole and its layers affecting the sclera, choroid, retina and optic nerve head, which in turn leads to degenerative changes associated with such elongation, with myopic mucolopathy being the most frequent cause of vision loss. High myopes are more at risk for ocular pathologies such as cataract, glaucoma, retinal detachment and myopic macular degeneration. This disease, which can increase in adulthood, has a high hereditary component that progresses over time and is characterized by little improvement in visual acuity, despite the use of prescription glasses. The younger the person is, the more influence he/she has to suffer from myopia, that is why the present clinical case has as objective the adaptation of toric lenses, in a 23 years old female patient with pathological myopia combined with astigmatism. The young girl presents genetic and environmental risks that may favor this increase. High myopia is associated with a higher risk of presenting serious ocular alterations, so we consider it important to carry out a method to control its progression. In this case we show optometric tests performed and the adaptation of toric lenses.es_ES
dc.descriptionMyopia is a refractive error that manifests itself when the patient perceives distant objects as blurry. Myopia is due to the image being formed in front of the retina, either because the cornea or the crystalline lens or both are too powerful, or because the eye is longer than normal. Myopia is corrected with negative diverging lenses, either glasses or contact lenses. Astigmatism is a common and usually treatable imperfection in the curvature of the eye that causes blurred distance and near vision. It is usually due to an alteration in the anterior curvature of the cornea. The cornea is the transparent region at the anterior pole of the eye that acts as a lens through which light passes and is focused onto the retina at the back of the eye. The surface of the cornea should be symmetrical and regular in its curvatures, otherwise astigmatism occurs. Astigmatism is common in the human eye to a greater or lesser degree and is usually associated with myopia or hyperopia. It can be corrected by the use of cylindrical lenses. Magna myopia, or pathological myopia, is considered a state of excess power of the eye's optical system. That is why pathological myopia is characterized by progressive elongation of the anteroposterior axis of the eyeball causing excessive stretching of the posterior pole and its layers affecting the sclera, choroid, retina and optic nerve head, which in turn leads to degenerative changes associated with such elongation, with myopic mucolopathy being the most frequent cause of vision loss. High myopes are more at risk for ocular pathologies such as cataract, glaucoma, retinal detachment and myopic macular degeneration. This disease, which can increase in adulthood, has a high hereditary component that progresses over time and is characterized by little improvement in visual acuity, despite the use of prescription glasses. The younger the person is, the more influence he/she has to suffer from myopia, that is why the present clinical case has as objective the adaptation of toric lenses, in a 23 years old female patient with pathological myopia combined with astigmatism. The young girl presents genetic and environmental risks that may favor this increase. High myopia is associated with a higher risk of presenting serious ocular alterations, so we consider it important to carry out a method to control its progression. In this case we show optometric tests performed and the adaptation of toric lenses.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa miopía es un defecto de la refracción que se manifiesta cuando el paciente percibe borrosos objetos lejanos. La miopía se debe a que la imagen se forma delante de la retina, bien porque la córnea el cristalino o ambos son muy potentes, o bien porque el ojo es más largo de lo normal. La miopía se corrige con lentes divergentes negativas, ya sean gafas o lentes de contacto. El astigmatismo es una imperfección común y, por lo general, tratable en la curvatura del ojo, que causa visión borrosa de lejos y de cerca. Generalmente se debe a una alteración en la curvatura anterior de la córnea. La córnea es la región transparente que se encuentra en el polo anterior del ojo y actúa como una lente a través de la cual pasa la luz que se enfoca sobre la retina en la parte posterior del ojo. La superficie de la córnea debe de ser simétrica y regular en sus curvaturas, de no ser así se produce astigmatismo. En el ojo humano el astigmatismo en frecuente en mayor y menor grado y suele asociarse con la miopía o hipermetropía. Puede corregirse mediante el uso de lentes cilíndricas. La miopía magna, o miopía patológica se considera un estado de exceso de potencia del sistema óptico del ojo. Es por eso por lo que la miopía patológica se caracteriza por la elongación progresiva del eje anteroposterior del globo ocular que provoca un estiramiento excesivo del polo posterior y las capas del mismo afectando a la esclera, coroides, retina y cabeza del nervio óptico y que a su vez con lleva a cambios degenerativos asociados con dicha elongación, siendo la mucolopatía miopía la causa más frecuente de pérdida de visión. Los miopes altos tienen más riesgos de sufrir patologías oculares como la catarata, el glaucoma, el desprendimiento de retina y la degeneración macular miopica. Esta enfermedad que puede aumentar en la vida adulta tiene un alto componente hereditario que progresa con el paso del tiempo y se caracteriza por tener poca mejoría en la agudeza visual, a pesar del uso de gafas graduadas. Cuanto más joven sea la persona, más influencia a padecer miopía tiene, es por eso por lo que el presente caso clínico tiene como objetivo la adaptación de lentes tóricas, en paciente femenino de 23 años con miopía patológica combinada con astigmatismo. La joven presenta riesgos genéticos y ambientales que pueden favorecer este aumento. Las miopías altas están asociado a un mayor riesgo de presentar graves alteraciones oculares, por lo que consideramos importante llevar a cabo un método de control de su progresión. En este caso se muestran pruebas optométricas realizadas y la adaptación de lentes tóricas.es_ES
dc.format.extent33 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2022es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectLente Tóricoes_ES
dc.titleAdaptación de lentes toricas, en paciente femenino de 23 años de edad con miopía patológica.es_ES

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